
under discussion
Created: 17 Jul 2024
Proposer: Jonathan Gregory
Proposed Date: 2024-06-26
Change Date: 17 Jul 2024, 12:15 p.m.
Term: phase_of_global_average_sea_level_change
Unit: degree
Unit ref: UAAA
Global average sea level change is due to change in volume of the water in the ocean, caused by mass and/or density change, or to change in the volume of the ocean basins, caused by tectonics etc. It is sometimes called "eustatic", which is a term that also has other definitions. It differs from the change in the global average sea surface height relative to the centre of the Earth by the global average vertical movement of the ocean floor. Zero sea level change is an arbitrary level. Phase is the initial angle of a wave modelled by a sinusoidal function. A coordinate variable of harmonic_period should be used to specify the period of the sinusoidal wave. Because global average sea level change quantifies the change in volume of the world ocean, it is not calculated necessarily by considering local changes in mean sea level.
Change Date: 17 Jul 2024, 12:21 p.m.
Term: phase_of_global_mean_sea_level_change
Unit: degree
Unit ref: UAAA
Global average sea level change is due to change in volume of the water in the ocean, caused by mass and/or density change, or to change in the volume of the ocean basins, caused by tectonics etc. It is sometimes called "eustatic", which is a term that also has other definitions. It differs from the change in the global average sea surface height relative to the centre of the Earth by the global average vertical movement of the ocean floor. Zero sea level change is an arbitrary level. Phase is the initial angle of a wave modelled by a sinusoidal function. A coordinate variable of harmonic_period should be used to specify the period of the sinusoidal wave. Because global average sea level change quantifies the change in volume of the world ocean, it is not calculated necessarily by considering local changes in mean sea level.