Update for CF Version:67


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
Volume fraction" is used in the construction "volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. The phrase "frozen_water" means ice.


Unit: W m-2
Unit ref: UFAA
The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The phrase "expressed_as_heat_content" means that this quantity is calculated as the specific heat capacity times density of sea water multiplied by the conservative temperature of the sea water in the grid cell and integrated over depth. If used for a layer heat content, coordinate bounds should be used to define the extent of the layers. If no coordinate bounds are specified, it is assumed that the integral is calculated over the entire vertical extent of the medium, e.g, if the medium is sea water the integral is assumed to be calculated over the full depth of the ocean. Conservative Temperature is defined as part of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) which was adopted in 2010 by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Conservative Temperature is specific potential enthalpy (which has the standard name sea_water_specific_potential_enthalpy) divided by a fixed value of the specific heat capacity of sea water, namely cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 J kg-1 K-1. Conservative Temperature is a more accurate measure of the "heat content" of sea water, by a factor of one hundred, than is potential temperature. Because of this, it can be regarded as being proportional to the heat content of sea water per unit mass. Reference: www.teos-10.org; McDougall, 2003 doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<0945:PEACOV>2.0.CO;2. The specification of a physical process by the phrase due_to_process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dianeutral mixing" means mixing across surfaces of neutral buoyancy. "Parameterized" means the part due to a scheme representing processes which are not explicitly resolved by the model.


Unit: W m-2
Unit ref: UFAA
The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The phrase "expressed_as_heat_content" means that this quantity is calculated as the specific heat capacity times density of sea water multiplied by the potential temperature of the sea water in the grid cell and integrated over depth. If used for a layer heat content, coordinate bounds should be used to define the extent of the layers. If no coordinate bounds are specified, it is assumed that the integral is calculated over the entire vertical extent of the medium, e.g, if the medium is sea water the integral is assumed to be calculated over the full depth of the ocean. Potential temperature is the temperature a parcel of air or sea water would have if moved adiabatically to sea level pressure. The specification of a physical process by the phrase due_to_process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dianeutral mixing" means mixing across surfaces of neutral buoyancy. "Parameterized" means the part due to a scheme representing processes which are not explicitly resolved by the model.


Unit: kg m-2 s-1
Unit ref: KSP2
The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The specification of a physical process by the phrase due_to_process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dianeutral mixing" means mixing across surfaces of neutral buoyancy. "Parameterized" means the part due to a scheme representing processes which are not explicitly resolved by the model.


Unit: mol m-3
Unit ref: MLM3
"Mole concentration" means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The chemical formula for molecular nitrogen is N2.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"Volume fraction" is used in the construction "volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"Volume fraction" is used in the construction "volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. The phrase "condensed_water" means liquid and ice. The field capacity of soil is the maximum content of water it can retain against gravitational drainage.


Unit: Pa
Unit ref: PASX
"Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "y" indicates a vector component along the grid y-axis, positive with increasing y. A downward y stress is a downward flux of momentum towards the positive direction of the model's y-axis. A positive correction is downward i.e. added to the ocean. The phrase "sea water surface" means the upper boundary of the liquid portion of an ocean or sea, including the boundary to floating ice if present.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
A variable with the standard name of number_of_missing_observations contains the number of discrete observations or measurements that were not available to derive the values of another data variable. The linkage between the data variable and the variable with a standard_name of number_of_missing_observations is achieved using the ancillary_variables attribute.


Unit: K Pa s-1
Unit ref: KPAS
AMIP: mpwapta
The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The Lagrangian tendency of a quantity is its rate of change following the motion of the fluid, also called the "material derivative" or "convective derivative". The Lagrangian tendency of air pressure, often called "omega", plays the role of the upward component of air velocity when air pressure is being used as the vertical coordinate. If the vertical air velocity is upwards, it is negative when expressed as a tendency of air pressure; downwards is positive. Air pressure is the force per unit area which would be exerted when the moving gas molecules of which the air is composed strike a theoretical surface of any orientation.


Unit: degree
Unit ref: UAAA
The phrase "direction_of_X" means direction of a vector, a bearing. The direction is measured positive clockwise from due north. The direction_of_radial_vector_away_from_instrument is the direction in which the instrument itself is pointing. The "instrument" (examples are radar and lidar) is the device used to make an observation. The standard name direction_of_radial_vector_toward_instrument should be used for a data variable having the opposite sign convention.


Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
A velocity is a vector quantity. "Radial velocity toward instrument" means the component of the velocity along the line of sight of the instrument where positive implies movement toward the instrument (i.e. inward). The "instrument" (examples are radar and lidar) is the device used to make an observation. A standard name referring to radial velocity "away_from_instrument" should be used for a data variable having the opposite sign convention.


Unit: Pa
Unit ref: PASX
"Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "y" indicates a vector component along the grid y-axis, positive with increasing y. A downward y stress is a downward flux of momentum towards the positive direction of the model's y-axis. The phrase "sea water surface" means the upper boundary of the liquid portion of an ocean or sea, including the boundary to floating ice if present.


Unit: Pa
Unit ref: PASX
"Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "x" indicates a vector component along the grid x-axis, positive with increasing x. A downward x stress is a downward flux of momentum towards the positive direction of the model's x-axis. A positive correction is downward i.e. added to the ocean. The phrase "sea water surface" means the upper boundary of the liquid portion of an ocean or sea, including the boundary to floating ice if present.


Unit: mol m-3
Unit ref: MLM3
"Mole concentration" means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The chemical formula of hydrogen sulfide is H2S.


Unit: dbar
Unit ref: UPDB
The phrase "sea water surface" means the upper boundary of the liquid portion of an ocean or sea, including the boundary to floating ice if present. "Sea water pressure" is the pressure that exists in the medium of sea water. It includes the pressure due to overlying sea water, sea ice, air and any other medium that may be present.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"Volume fraction" is used in the construction "volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. The phrase "condensed_water" means liquid and ice. The wilting point of soil is the water content below which plants cannot extract sufficient water to balance their loss through transpiration.


Unit: W m-2
Unit ref: UFAA
"Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). Net downward radiation is the difference between radiation from above (downwelling) and radiation from below (upwelling). In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. The term "shortwave" means shortwave radiation. The phrase "sea water surface" means the upper boundary of the liquid portion of an ocean or sea, including the boundary to floating ice if present.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"Volume fraction" is used in the construction "volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. The phrase "condensed_water" means liquid and ice.


Unit: Pa s-1
Unit ref: PAPS
AMIP: mpwhusa
The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The Lagrangian tendency of a quantity is its rate of change following the motion of the fluid, also called the "material derivative" or "convective derivative". The Lagrangian tendency of air pressure, often called "omega", plays the role of the upward component of air velocity when air pressure is being used as the vertical coordinate. If the vertical air velocity is upwards, it is negative when expressed as a tendency of air pressure; downwards is positive. Air pressure is the force per unit area which would be exerted when the moving gas molecules of which the air is composed strike a theoretical surface of any orientation. "Specific" means per unit mass. Specific humidity is the mass fraction of water vapor in (moist) air.


Unit: Pa m s-2
Unit ref: PAM2
The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name upward_air_velocity.) The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The Lagrangian tendency of a quantity is its rate of change following the motion of the fluid, also called the "material derivative" or "convective derivative". The Lagrangian tendency of air pressure, often called "omega", plays the role of the upward component of air velocity when air pressure is being used as the vertical coordinate. If the vertical air velocity is upwards, it is negative when expressed as a tendency of air pressure; downwards is positive. Air pressure is the force per unit area which would be exerted when the moving gas molecules of which the air is composed strike a theoretical surface of any orientation.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"X_volume_fraction" means the fraction of volume occupied by X. It is evaluated as the volume of interest divided by the grid cell volume. It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. A data variable with standard name ocean_volume_fraction is used to store the fraction of a grid cell underlying sea-water, for example, where part of the grid cell is occupied by land or to record ocean volume on a model's native grid following a regridding operation.


Unit: Pa m s-2
Unit ref: PAM2
The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. "Eastward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed eastward (negative westward). Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name upward_air_velocity.) The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The Lagrangian tendency of a quantity is its rate of change following the motion of the fluid, also called the "material derivative" or "convective derivative". The Lagrangian tendency of air pressure, often called "omega", plays the role of the upward component of air velocity when air pressure is being used as the vertical coordinate. If the vertical air velocity is upwards, it is negative when expressed as a tendency of air pressure; downwards is positive. Air pressure is the force per unit area which would be exerted when the moving gas molecules of which the air is composed strike a theoretical surface of any orientation.


Unit: K Pa s-1
Unit ref: KPAS
AMIP: mpwapta
The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The Lagrangian tendency of a quantity is its rate of change following the motion of the fluid, also called the "material derivative" or "convective derivative". The Lagrangian tendency of air pressure, often called "omega", plays the role of the upward component of air velocity when air pressure is being used as the vertical coordinate. If the vertical air velocity is upwards, it is negative when expressed as a tendency of air pressure; downwards is positive. Air pressure is the force per unit area which would be exerted when the moving gas molecules of which the air is composed strike a theoretical surface of any orientation. Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"Volume fraction" is used in the construction "volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. The phrase "condensed_water" means liquid and ice. When soil moisture equals or exceeds the critical point, evapotranspiration takes place at the potential rate and is controlled by the ambient meteorological conditions (temperature, wind, relative humidity). Potential evapotranspiration is the rate at which evapotranspiration would occur under ambient conditions from a uniformly vegetated area when the water supply is not limiting.


Unit: Pa m s-1
Unit ref: PAMS
The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The Lagrangian tendency of a quantity is its rate of change following the motion of the fluid, also called the "material derivative" or "convective derivative". The Lagrangian tendency of air pressure, often called "omega", plays the role of the upward component of air velocity when air pressure is being used as the vertical coordinate. If the vertical air velocity is upwards, it is negative when expressed as a tendency of air pressure; downwards is positive. Air pressure is the force per unit area which would be exerted when the moving gas molecules of which the air is composed strike a theoretical surface of any orientation. Geopotential is the sum of the specific gravitational potential energy relative to the geoid and the specific centripetal potential energy. Geopotential height is the geopotential divided by the standard acceleration due to gravity. It is numerically similar to the altitude (or geometric height) and not to the quantity with standard name height, which is relative to the surface.


Unit: Pa s-1
Unit ref: PAPS
The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. "Specific" means per unit mass. Specific humidity is the mass fraction of water vapor in (moist) air. The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The Lagrangian tendency of a quantity is its rate of change following the motion of the fluid, also called the "material derivative" or "convective derivative". The Lagrangian tendency of air pressure, often called "omega", plays the role of the upward component of air velocity when air pressure is being used as the vertical coordinate. If the vertical air velocity is upwards, it is negative when expressed as a tendency of air pressure; downwards is positive. Air pressure is the force per unit area which would be exerted when the moving gas molecules of which the air is composed strike a theoretical surface of any orientation.


Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
A velocity is a vector quantity. "Radial velocity away from instrument" means the component of the velocity along the line of sight of the instrument where positive implies movement away from the instrument (i.e. outward). The "instrument" (examples are radar and lidar) is the device used to make an observation. A standard name referring to radial velocity "toward_instrument" should be used for a data variable having the opposite sign convention.


Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
A velocity is a vector quantity. "Radial velocity toward instrument" means the component of the velocity along the line of sight of the instrument where positive implies movement toward the instrument (i.e. inward). The "instrument" (examples are radar and lidar) is the device used to make the observation. The "scatterers" are what causes the transmitted signal to be returned to the instrument (examples are aerosols, hydrometeors and refractive index irregularities), of whatever kind the instrument detects. A standard name referring to radial velocity "away_from_instrument" should be used for a data variable having the opposite sign convention.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"Volume fraction" is used in the construction volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction.


Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
A velocity is a vector quantity. "Radial velocity away from instrument" means the component of the velocity along the line of sight of the instrument where positive implies movement away from the instrument (i.e. outward). The "instrument" (examples are radar and lidar) is the device used to make the observation. The "scatterers" are what causes the transmitted signal to be returned to the instrument (examples are aerosols, hydrometeors and refractive index irregularities), of whatever kind the instrument detects. A standard name referring to radial velocity "toward_instrument" should be used for a data variable having the opposite sign convention.


Unit: degree
Unit ref: UAAA
The phrase "direction_of_X" means direction of a vector, a bearing. The direction is measured positive clockwise from due north. The direction_of_radial_vector_toward_instrument is the direction opposite to that in which the instrument itself is pointing. The "instrument" (examples are radar and lidar) is the device used to make an observation. The standard name direction_of_radial_vector_away_from_instrument should be used for a data variable having the opposite sign convention.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"Volume fraction" is used in the construction "volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"Volume fraction" is used in the construction "volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction.


Unit: 1
Unit ref: UUUU
"Volume fraction" is used in the construction "volume_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the volume of X divided by the volume of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. "Condensed water" means liquid and ice. The quantity with standard name volume_fraction_of_condensed_water_in_soil_pores is the ratio of the volume of condensed water in soil pores to the volume of the pores themselves.


Unit: Pa
Unit ref: PASX
"Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "x" indicates a vector component along the grid x-axis, positive with increasing x. A downward x stress is a downward flux of momentum towards the positive direction of the model's x-axis. The phrase "sea water surface" means the upper boundary of the liquid portion of an ocean or sea, including the boundary to floating ice if present.