
"cloud_top" refers to the top of the highest cloud. "Water" means water in all phases. A variable with the standard name of thermodynamic_phase_of_cloud_water_particles_at_cloud_top contains integers which can be translated to strings using flag_values and flag_meanings attributes. Alternatively, the data variable may contain strings which indicate the thermodynamic phase. These strings are standardised. Values must be chosen from the following list: liquid; ice; mixed; clear_sky; super_cooled_liquid_water; unknown.
  • List containing this term version: CF (29) CF (30) CF (31) CF (32) CF (33) CF (34) CF (35) CF (36) CF (37) CF (38) CF (39) CF (40) CF (41) CF (42) CF (43) CF (44) CF (45) CF (46) CF (47) CF (48) CF (49) CF (50) CF (51) CF (52) CF (53) CF (54) CF (55) CF (56) CF (57) CF (58) CF (59) CF (60) CF (61) CF (62) CF (63) CF (64) CF (65) CF (66) CF (67) CF (68) CF (69) CF (70) CF (71) CF (72) CF (73) CF (74)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Randy Horne / Michael Carlomusto / Alison Pamment [GOES-R standard names; new standard_name]
  • Proposal: Alison Pamment [Standard Names: Meteorological Standard ]

  • There are no aliases for this term
    This term is not aliased.