
X_binary_mask has 1 where condition X is met, 0 elsewhere. 1 = cloud present, 0 = cloud absent (clear). If no threshold is supplied, the binary mask is 1 if there is any non-zero amount of cloud. if a threshold is supplied, it should be specified by associating a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the data variable and giving the coordinate variable a standard name of cloud_area_fraction. The values of the coordinate variable are the threshold values for the corresponding subarrays of the data variable.
  • List containing this term version: CF (29) CF (30) CF (31) CF (32) CF (33) CF (34) CF (35) CF (36) CF (37) CF (38) CF (39) CF (40) CF (41) CF (42) CF (43) CF (44) CF (45) CF (46) CF (47) CF (48) CF (49) CF (50) CF (51) CF (52) CF (53) CF (54) CF (55) CF (56) CF (57) CF (58) CF (59) CF (60) CF (61) CF (62) CF (63) CF (64) CF (65) CF (66) CF (67) CF (68) CF (69) CF (70) CF (71) CF (72) CF (73) CF (74) CF (75) CF (76) CF (77) CF (78) CF (79) CF (80) CF (81) CF (82) CF (83) CF (84) CF (85) CF (86)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Charles Paxson [GOES-R generated binary mask products un]

  • There are no aliases for this term
    This term is not aliased.