
The ocean mixed layer is the upper part of the ocean, regarded as being well-mixed. The base of the mixed layer defined by temperature, sigma, sigma_theta or sigma_t is the level at which the quantity indicated differs from its surface value by a certain amount. "Thickness" means the vertical extent of a layer. "square_of_X" means X*X.
  • List containing this term version: CF (12) CF (13) CF (14) CF (15) CF (16) CF (17) CF (18) CF (19) CF (20) CF (21) CF (25) CF (22) CF (27) CF (23) CF (24) CF (26) CF (28) CF (29) CF (30) CF (31) CF (32) CF (33) CF (34) CF (35) CF (36) CF (37) CF (38) CF (39) CF (40) CF (41) CF (42) CF (43) CF (44) CF (45) CF (46) CF (47) CF (48) CF (49) CF (50) CF (51) CF (52)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Nan Galbraith [how to use ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_d]

  • There are no aliases for this term
    This term is not aliased.