
Created: 2 Apr 2024
Proposer: Ingemar Häggström
Proposed Date: 2021-10-01
Change Date: 2 Apr 2024, 11:07 a.m.
Term: received_power_of_radio_wave_in_air_scattered_by_air
Unit: W
Unit ref: WATT
The quantity with standard name received_power_of_radio_wave_in_air_scattered_by_air refers to the received power of the signal at an instrument such as a radar or lidar. The signal returned to the instrument is the sum of all scattering from a given volume of air regardless of mechanism (examples are scattering by aerosols, hydrometeors and refractive index irregularities, or whatever else the instrument detects).
Change Date: 2 Apr 2024, 11:14 a.m.
Term: received_power_of_radio_wave_in_air_scattered_by_air
Unit: W
Unit ref: WATT
Power of a radio wave, that was transmitted by an instrument and propagates in the air where it's scattered by the air due to which its properties change, and it is received again by an instrument. The "instrument" (examples are radar and lidar) is the device used to make the observation. The "scatterers" are what causes the transmitted signal to be returned to the instrument (examples are aerosols, hydrometeors and refractive index irregularities in the air). A standard name referring to the received power of the signal at the instrument.