
Created: 5 Feb 2024
Proposer: Jonathan Gregory & Lars Barring
Proposed Date: 2024-01-10
Change Date: 5 Feb 2024, 2:32 p.m.
Term: air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation
Unit: K
Unit ref: UPKA
The "effective cloud top defined by infrared radiation" is (approximately) the geometric height above the surface that is one optical depth at infrared wavelengths (in the region of 11 micrometers) below the cloud top that would be detected by visible and lidar techniques. Reference: Minnis, P. et al 2011 CERES Edition-2 Cloud Property Retrievals Using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS Data x2014; Part I: Algorithms IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(11), 4374-4400. doi:
Change Date: 5 Feb 2024, 2:52 p.m.
Term: air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation
Unit: K
Unit ref: UPKA
The "effective cloud top defined by infrared radiation" is (approximately) the geometric height above the surface that is one optical depth at infrared wavelengths (in the region of 11 micrometers) below the cloud top that would be detected by visible and lidar techniques. Reference: Minnis, P. et al 2011 CERES Edition-2 Cloud Property Retrievals Using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS Data x2014; Part I: Algorithms IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(11), 4374-4400. doi: It is strongly recommended to include a units_metadata attribute.
Change Date: 9 Feb 2024, 2:42 p.m.
Term: air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation
Unit: K
Unit ref: UPKA
The "effective cloud top defined by infrared radiation" is (approximately) the geometric height above the surface that is one optical depth at infrared wavelengths (in the region of 11 micrometers) below the cloud top that would be detected by visible and lidar techniques. Reference: Minnis, P. et al 2011 CERES Edition-2 Cloud Property Retrievals Using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS Data x2014; Part I: Algorithms IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(11), 4374-4400. doi: In order to convert the units correctly, it is essential to know whether a temperature is on-scale or a difference. Therefore this standard strongly recommends that any variable whose units involve a temperature unit should also have a units_metadata attribute to make the distinction. It is strongly recommended to include the attribute units_metadata.
Change Date: 23 Feb 2024, 3:54 p.m.
Term: air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation
Unit: K
Unit ref: UPKA
The "effective cloud top defined by infrared radiation" is (approximately) the geometric height above the surface that is one optical depth at infrared wavelengths (in the region of 11 micrometers) below the cloud top that would be detected by visible and lidar techniques. Reference: Minnis, P. et al 2011 CERES Edition-2 Cloud Property Retrievals Using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS Data x2014; Part I: Algorithms IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(11), 4374-4400. doi: It is strongly recommended that a variable with this standard name should have a units_metadata attribute, with one of the values "on-scale" or "difference", whichever is appropriate for the data, because it is essential to know whether the temperature is on-scale (meaning relative to the origin of the scale indicated by the units) or refers to temperature differences (implying that the origin of the temperature scale is irrevelant), in order to convert the units correctly (cf.