
Created: 28 Jan 2022
Proposer: Markus Fiebig
Proposed Date: 2021-09-22
Change Date: 28 Jan 2022, 4:48 p.m.
Term: log10_size_interval_based_number_size_distribution_of_aerosol_particles_in_air
Unit: m-3
Unit ref: PCUM
The aerosol particle number size distribution is the number concentration of aerosol particles, normalised to the decadal logarithmic size interval the concentration applies to, as a function of particle diameter. A coordinate variable with the standard name of electrical_mobility_particle_diameter, aerodynamic_particle_diameter, or optical_particle_diameter should be specified to indicate that the property applies at specific particle sizes selected by the indicated method. To specify the relative humidity at which the particle sizes were selected, provide a scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of relative_humidity_for_aerosol_particle_size_selection. "log10_X" means common logarithm (i.e. base 10) of X.