1I8JWDXM sea_ice_floe_diameter "Sea ice" means all ice floating in the sea which has formed from freezing sea water, rather than by other processes such as calving of land ice to form icebergs. An ice floe is a flat expanse of sea ice, generally taken to be less than 10 km across. ice_floe_diameter corresponds to the diameter of a circle with the same area as the ice floe. I 77KW4GRD snow_area_fraction_viewable_from_above "Area fraction" is the fraction of a grid cell's horizontal area that has some characteristic of interest. It is evaluated as the area of interest divided by the grid cell area. It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. Snow "viewable from above" refers to the snow on objects or the ground as viewed from above, which excludes, for example, falling snow flakes and snow obscured by a canopy, vegetative cover, or other features resting on the surface. I J02GB5JM surface_downward_eastward_stress_due_to_sea_surface_waves The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Surface stress" means the shear stress (force per unit area) exerted by the wind at the surface. A downward stress is a downward flux of momentum. Over large bodies of water, wind stress can drive near-surface currents. "Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "Eastward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). "Downward eastward" indicates the ZX component of a tensor. A downward eastward stress is a downward flux of eastward momentum, which accelerates the lower medium eastward and the upper medium westward. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Sea surface waves" means the stress associated with form drag over sea surface waves. I 0ODKH54S surface_downward_eastward_stress_due_to_ocean_viscous_dissipation The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Surface stress" means the shear stress (force per unit area) exerted by the wind at the surface. A downward stress is a downward flux of momentum. Over large bodies of water, wind stress can drive near-surface currents. "Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "Eastward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). "Downward eastward" indicates the ZX component of a tensor. A downward eastward stress is a downward flux of eastward momentum, which accelerates the lower medium eastward and the upper medium westward. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Viscosity" means the stress associated with viscous effects at the sea surface and is equivalent to the turbulent stress just outside the viscous sublayer. I 2LNHOBDS change_in_land_ice_mass Zero change in land ice mass is an arbitrary level. "Land ice" means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. The horizontal domain over which the quantity is calculated is described by the associated coordinate variables and coordinate bounds or by a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of "region" supplied according to section 6.1.1 of the CF conventions. I XETDZXUY lightning_potential_index The lightning_potential_index measures the potential for charge generation and separation that leads to lightning flashes in convective thunderstorms. It is derived from the model simulated grid-scale updraft velocity and the mass mixing-ratios of liquid water, cloud ice, snow, and graupel. I XI1UYZIK surface_downward_northward_stress_due_to_sea_surface_waves The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Surface stress" means the shear stress (force per unit area) exerted by the wind at the surface. A downward stress is a downward flux of momentum. Over large bodies of water, wind stress can drive near-surface currents. "Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). "Downward northward" indicates the ZY component of a tensor. A downward northward stress is a downward flux of northward momentum, which accelerates the lower medium northward and the upper medium southward. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Sea surface waves" means the stress associated with form drag over sea surface waves. I CFSN0411 realization Realization is used to label a dimension that can be thought of as a statistical sample, e.g., labelling members of a model ensemble. M L4VM90DM eastward_friction_velocity_in_air A velocity is a vector quantity. "Eastward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed eastward (negative westward). Friction velocity is a reference wind velocity derived from the relationship between air density and downward stress and is usually applied at a level close to the surface where stress is assumed to independent of height and approximately proportional to the square of mean velocity. I PU4I28NL sea_floor_sediment_grain_size The average size of grains (also known as particles) in a sediment sample. I AH2MSSNC tendency_of_land_ice_mass The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Land ice" means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. The horizontal domain over which the quantity is calculated is described by the associated coordinate variables and coordinate bounds or by a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of "region" supplied according to section 6.1.1 of the CF conventions. I TKE9ARMV difference_between_sea_surface_temperature_and_air_temperature Sea surface temperature is usually abbreviated as "SST". It is the temperature of sea water near the surface (including the part under sea-ice, if any), not the skin or interface temperature, whose standard names are sea_surface_skin_temperature and surface_temperature, respectively. For the temperature of sea water at a particular depth or layer, a data variable of "sea_water_temperature" with a vertical coordinate axis should be used. Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. I 83LYP56N sea_surface_wave_xx_radiation_stress "Sea surface wave radiation stress" describes the excess momentum flux caused by sea surface waves. Radiation stresses behave as a second-order tensor. "xx" indicates the component of the tensor along the grid x_ axis. I CFV13N11 number_of_days_with_air_temperature_above_threshold Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. A variable whose standard name has the form number_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold is a count of the number of days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. It must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_methods entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A number_of_days is an extensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days should be "sum". M Z5X836ZU specific_heat_capacity_of_frozen_ground Thermal capacity, or heat capacity, is the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of 1 kg of material by 1 K. It is a property of the material. I Q1RAOO7Z surface_upward_northward_stress_due_to_sea_surface_waves The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Surface stress" means the shear stress (force per unit area) exerted at the surface. An upward stress is an upward flux of momentum into the atmosphere. "Upward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed upward (negative downward). "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). "Upward northward" indicates the ZY component of a tensor. An upward northward stress is an upward flux of northward momentum, which accelerates the upper medium northward and the lower medium southward. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Sea surface waves" means the stress associated with oscillatory motions of a wavy sea surface. I EM1D7XWJ moles_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water The construction "moles_of_X_per_unit_mass_in_Y" is also called "molality" of X in Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical species or biological group denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". "Dissolved inorganic carbon" describes a family of chemical species in solution, including carbon dioxide, carbonic acid and the carbonate and bicarbonate anions. "Dissolved inorganic carbon" is the term used in standard names for all species belonging to the family that are represented within a given model. The list of individual species that are included in a quantity having a group chemical standard name can vary between models. Where possible, the data variable should be accompanied by a complete description of the species represented, for example, by using a comment attribute. I I9GLGOPV indicative_error_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water Sea water velocity is a vector quantity that is the speed at which water travels in a specified direction. The "indicative error" is an estimate of the quality of a sea water velocity profile measured using an ADCP (acoustic doppler current profiler). It is determined by the difference between the vertical velocity calculated from two 3-beam solutions. The parameter is frequently referred to as the "error velocity". M ZDRFFML2 sea_surface_wave_mean_wavenumber_from_variance_spectral_density_first_wavenumber_moment The wave directional spectrum can be written as a five dimensional function S(t,x,y,k,theta) where t is time, x and y are horizontal coordinates (such as longitude and latitude), k is wavenumber and theta is direction. S has the standard name sea_surface_wave_directional_variance_spectral_density. S can be integrated over direction to give S1= integral(S dtheta) and this quantity has the standard name sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density. Wavenumber is the number of oscillations of a wave per unit distance. Wavenumber moments, M(n) of S1 can then be calculated as follows: M(n) = integral(S1 k^n dk), where k^n is k to the power of n. The mean wavenumber, k(1), is calculated as the ratio M(1)/M(0). I CFV13N22 spell_length_of_days_with_air_temperature_above_threshold Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M GAGPRVHP soil_water_ph soil_water_ph is the measure of acidity of soil moisture, defined as the negative logarithm of the concentration of dissolved hydrogen ions in soil water. I 0C5R4PS4 surface_upward_eastward_stress_due_to_sea_surface_waves The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Surface stress" means the shear stress (force per unit area) exerted at the surface. An upward stress is an upward flux of momentum into the atmosphere. "Upward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed upward (negative downward). "Eastward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). "Upward eastward" indicates the ZX component of a tensor. An upward eastward stress is an upward flux of eastward momentum, which accelerates the upper medium eastward and the lower medium westward. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Sea surface waves" means the stress associated with oscillatory motions of a wavy sea surface. I CFV13N23 spell_length_of_days_with_air_temperature_below_threshold Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M HAAN5RSL mass_fraction_of_organic_matter_in_soil "Mass fraction" is used in the construction "mass_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the mass of X divided by the mass of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. I BX9QJR9J mass_fraction_of_gravel_in_soil "Mass fraction" is used in the construction "mass_fraction_of_X_in_Y'', where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the mass of X divided by the mass of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. Grain-size class distribution is based on the Udden-Wentworth scale. I CFSN0354 soil_temperature Soil temperature is the bulk temperature of the soil, not the surface (skin) temperature. "Soil" means the near-surface layer where plants sink their roots. For subsurface temperatures that extend beneath the soil layer or in areas where there is no surface soil layer, the standard name temperature_in_ground should be used. M CFV13N25 spell_length_of_days_with_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_below_threshold "Amount" means mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases.The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M 8BRPSWCQ northward_friction_velocity_in_air A velocity is a vector quantity. "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). Friction velocity is a reference wind velocity derived from the relationship between air density and downward stress and is usually applied at a level close to the surface where stress is assumed to independent of height and approximately proportional to the square of mean velocity. I CFV13N13 number_of_days_with_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_above_threshold The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. A variable whose standard name has the form number_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold is a count of the number of days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. It must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_methods entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A number_of_days is an extensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days should be "sum". M 5O9YJ2L7 sea_surface_wave_xy_radiation_stress "Sea surface wave radiation stress" describes the excess momentum flux caused by sea surface waves. Radiation stresses behave as a second-order tensor. "xy" indicates the lateral contributions to x_ and y_ components of the tensor. I CFV13N24 spell_length_of_days_with_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_above_threshold "Amount" means mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M Z0QXDO4I number_of_days_with_surface_temperature_below_threshold The surface temperature is the temperature at the interface, not the bulk temperature of the medium above or below. The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. A variable whose standard name has the form number_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold is a count of the number of days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. It must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the a standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_methods entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A number_of_days is an extensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days should be "sum". M 5ORVO6LQ sea_surface_wave_yy_radiation_stress "Sea surface wave radiation stress" describes the excess momentum flux caused by sea surface waves. Radiation stresses behave as a second-order tensor. "yy" indicates the component of the tensor along the grid y_ axis. I CFSN2201 solid_earth_subsurface_temperature The quantity with standard name solid_earth_subsurface_temperature is the temperature at any depth (or in a layer) of the "solid" earth, excluding surficial snow and ice (but not permafrost or soil). For temperatures in surface lying snow and ice, the more specific standard names temperature_in_surface_snow and land_ice_temperature should be used. For temperatures measured or modelled specifically in the soil layer (the near-surface layer where plants sink their roots) the standard name soil_temperature should be used. D OLF2XJ9Y temperature_in_ground The temperature at any given depth (or in a layer) below the surface of the ground, excluding surficial snow and ice (but not permafrost or soil). For temperatures in surface lying snow and ice, the more specific standard names temperature_in_surface_snow and land_ice_temperature should be used. For temperatures measured or modelled specifically for the soil layer (the near-surface layer where plants sink their roots) the standard name soil_temperature should be used. I D8RHMOHX sea_surface_downward_eastward_stress_due_to_dissipation_of_sea_surface_waves The surface called "sea surface" means the upper boundary of the ocean. "Surface stress" means the shear stress (force per unit area) exerted at the surface. A downward stress is a downward flux of momentum. Over large bodies of water, surface stress can drive near-surface currents. "Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "Eastward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). "Downward eastward" indicates the ZX component of a tensor. A downward eastward stress is a downward flux of eastward momentum, which accelerates the lower medium eastward and the upper medium westward. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. The phrase "dissipation_of_sea_surface_waves" means the stress associated with sea surface waves dissipation processes such as whitecapping. I 9PMQJPRZ ratio_of_ice_volume_in_frozen_ground_to_pore_volume_in_unfrozen_ground The phrase "ratio_of_X_to_Y" means X/Y. "X_volume" means the volume occupied by X within the grid cell. Pore volume is the volume of the porosity of the ground under natural, unfrozen conditions. This is often known as "ice saturation index". I QYA7ZFMF mass_fraction_of_sand_in_soil "Mass fraction" is used in the construction "mass_fraction_of_X_in_Y'', where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the mass of X divided by the mass of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. Grain-size class distribution is based on the Udden-Wentworth scale. I SICFF2VO surface_downward_northward_stress_due_to_ocean_viscous_dissipation The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Surface stress" means the shear stress (force per unit area) exerted by the wind at the surface. A downward stress is a downward flux of momentum. Over large bodies of water, wind stress can drive near-surface currents. "Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). "Downward northward" indicates the ZY component of a tensor. A downward northward stress is a downward flux of northward momentum, which accelerates the lower medium northward and the upper medium southward. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Viscosity" means the stress associated with viscous effects at the sea surface and is equivalent to the turbulent stress just outside the viscous sublayer. I P9XAB8CM mass_fraction_of_clay_in_soil "Mass fraction" is used in the construction "mass_fraction_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the mass of X divided by the mass of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. Grain-size class distribution is based on the Udden-Wentworth scale. I 5PJT1ZMA mass_fraction_of_silt_in_soil "Mass fraction" is used in the construction "mass_fraction_of_X_in_Y'', where X is a material constituent of Y. It is evaluated as the mass of X divided by the mass of Y (including X). It may be expressed as a fraction, a percentage, or any other dimensionless representation of a fraction. Grain-size class distribution is based on the Udden-Wentworth scale. I UMJTVO1O mass_concentration_of_biological_taxon_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water "Mass concentration" means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction "mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical species or biological group denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction "A_expressed_as_B", where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy. There must be an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_name to identify the taxon in human readable format and optionally an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_lsid to provide a machine-readable identifier. See Section 6.1.2 of the CF convention (version 1.8 or later) for information about biological taxon auxiliary coordinate variables. Chlorophylls are the green pigments found in most plants, algae and cyanobacteria; their presence is essential for photosynthesis to take place. There are several different forms of chlorophyll that occur naturally. All contain a chlorin ring (chemical formula C20H16N4) which gives the green pigment and a side chain whose structure varies. The naturally occurring forms of chlorophyll contain between 35 and 55 carbon atoms. M IBM1DBIU thermal_conductivity_of_frozen_ground Thermal conductivity is the constant k in the formula q = -k grad T where q is the heat transfer per unit time per unit area of a surface normal to the direction of transfer and grad T is the temperature gradient. Thermal conductivity is a property of the material. I 8FB20X47 mass_concentration_of_biological_taxon_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water "Mass concentration" means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction "mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical species or biological group denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction "A_expressed_as_B", where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Mass concentration of biota expressed as nitrogen is also referred to as "nitrogen biomass". "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy. There must be an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_name to identify the taxon in human readable format and optionally an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_lsid to provide a machine-readable identifier. See Section 6.1.2 of the CF convention (version 1.8 or later) for information about biological taxon auxiliary coordinate variables. M NPOHAN1Y mass_concentration_of_biological_taxon_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water "Mass concentration" means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction "mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical species or biological group denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction "A_expressed_as_B", where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Mass concentration of biota expressed as carbon is also referred to as "carbon biomass". "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy. There must be an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_name to identify the taxon in human readable format and optionally an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_lsid to provide a machine-readable identifier. See Section 6.1.2 of the CF convention (version 1.8 or later) for information about biological taxon auxiliary coordinate variables. M FU8M33BF number_concentration_of_biological_taxon_in_sea_water "Number concentration" means the number of particles or other specified objects per unit volume. "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy. There must be an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_name to identify the taxon in human readable format and optionally an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_lsid to provide a machine-readable identifier. See Section 6.1.2 of the CF convention (version 1.8 or later) for information about biological taxon auxiliary coordinate variables. M JXJNSNLH ice_volume_in_frozen_ground_in_excess_of_pore_volume_in_unfrozen_ground_expressed_as_fraction_of_frozen_ground_volume ice_volume_in_frozen_ground_in_excess_of_pore_volume_in_unfrozen_ground_expressed_as_fraction_of_frozen_ground_volume represents the fractional amount of "excess ice" in frozen ground. Excess ice is the volume of ice in the ground which exceeds the total pore volume that the ground would have under natural unfrozen conditions. Due to the presence of ground ice, the total water content of a frozen soil may exceed that corresponding to its normally consolidated state when unfrozen. As a result, upon thawing, a soil containing excess ice will settle under its own weight until it attains its consolidated state. Reference: van Everdingen, R. O. editor 1998: Multi-language glossary of permafrost and related ground ice terms. International Permafrost Association. I K1HC6TUK mole_concentration_of_biological_taxon_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water "Mole concentration" means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical species or biological group denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction "A_expressed_as_B", where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy. There must be an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_name to identify the taxon in human readable format and optionally an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_lsid to provide a machine-readable identifier. See Section 6.1.2 of the CF convention (version 1.8 or later) for information about biological taxon auxiliary coordinate variables. M YU6AEXR7 biological_taxon_identifier "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy. The quantity with standard name biological_taxon_identifier is the machine-readable identifier for the taxon registration in either WoRMS (the AphiaID) or ITIS (the taxonomic serial number or TSN), including namespace. The namespace strings are 'aphia:' or 'tsn:'. For example, Calanus finmarchicus is encoded as either 'aphia:104464' or 'tsn:85272'. For the marine domain WoRMS has more complete coverage and so aphia Ids are preferred. See Section 6.1.2 of the CF convention (version 1.8 or later) for information about biological taxon auxiliary coordinate variables. D K78S23CW biological_taxon_lsid "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy. The quantity with standard name biological_taxon_lsid is the machine-readable identifier based on a taxon registration system using the syntax convention specified for the Life Science Identifier (LSID) - urn:lsid:::[:]. This includes the reference classification in the element and these are restricted by the LSID governance. It is strongly recommended in CF that the authority chosen is World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) for oceanographic data and Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) for freshwater and terrestrial data. See Section 6.1.2 of the CF convention (version 1.8 or later) for information about biological taxon auxiliary coordinate variables. This identifier is a narrower equivalent to the scientificNameID field in the Darwin Core Standard. I CFV13N12 number_of_days_with_air_temperature_below_threshold Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. A variable whose standard name has the form number_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold is a count of the number of days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. It must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_methods entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A number_of_days is an extensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days should be "sum". M 4FD2J2GJ storm_motion_speed Storm motion speed is defined as a two dimensional velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name upward_air_velocity.) It is defined as the average speed of a supercell, and the direction the storm will move from. It is not dependent on the orientation of the ground-relative winds. Storm motion speed generally follows the methodology outlined in Bunkers et al. (2000). I T3IPUH1I colony_forming_unit_number_concentration_of_biological_taxon_in_sea_water "Colony forming unit" means an estimate of the viable bacterial or fungal numbers determined by counting colonies grown from a sample. "Number concentration" means the number of particles or other specified objects per unit volume. "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy. There must be an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_name to identify the taxon in human readable format and optionally an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_lsid to provide a machine-readable identifier. See Section 6.1.2 of the CF convention (version 1.8 or later) for information about biological taxon auxiliary coordinate variables. M 7IQMB8XJ mole_concentration_of_biological_taxon_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water "Mole concentration" means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical species or biological group denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction "A_expressed_as_B", where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy. There must be an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_name to identify the taxon in human readable format and optionally an auxiliary coordinate variable with standard name biological_taxon_lsid to provide a machine-readable identifier. See Section 6.1.2 of the CF convention (version 1.8 or later) for information about biological taxon auxiliary coordinate variables. M CFV13N14 number_of_days_with_wind_speed_above_threshold Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name upward_air_velocity.) The wind speed is the magnitude of the wind velocity. A variable whose standard name has the form number_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold is a count of the number of days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. It must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_methods entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A number_of_days is an extensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days should be "sum". M YJQD4FZS sea_surface_downward_northward_stress_due_to_dissipation_of_sea_surface_waves The surface called "sea surface" means the upper boundary of the ocean. "Surface stress" means the shear stress (force per unit area) exerted at the surface. A downward stress is a downward flux of momentum. Over large bodies of water, surface stress can drive near-surface currents. "Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). "Downward northward" indicates the ZY component of a tensor. A downward northward stress is a downward flux of northward momentum, which accelerates the lower medium northward and the upper medium southward. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. The phrase "dissipation_of_sea_surface_waves" means the stress associated with sea surface waves dissipation processes such as whitecapping. I TG5KHI3E depth_at_base_of_unfrozen_ground The phrase depth_at_base_of_unfrozen_ground is the instantaneous depth of the downward penetration of thaw from the ground surface at a given time. Permafrost is soil or rock that has remained at a temperature at or below zero degrees Celsius throughout the seasonal cycle for two or more consecutive years. The maximum measurable depth_at_base_of_unfrozen_ground value as recorded at the end of a thawing season corresponds to the permafrost_active_layer_thickness. I RIMODKVA beam_consistency_indicator_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water The "beam_consistency_indicator" is the degree to which the received acoustic pulse is correlated with the transmitted pulse. It is used as a data quality assessment parameter in ADCP (acoustic doppler current profiler) instruments and is frequently referred to as "correlation magnitude". Convention is that the larger the value, the higher the signal to noise ratio and therefore the better the quality of the current vector measurements; the maximum value of the indicator is 128. M XJRFIXKO atmosphere_helicity One-half the scalar product of the air velocity and vorticity vectors, where vorticity refers to the standard name atmosphere_upward_absolute_vorticity. Helicity is proportional to the strength of the flow, the amount of vertical wind shear, and the amount of turning in the flow. I