SXAR4CDU proportion_of_acceptable_signal_returns_from_acoustic_instrument_in_sea_water The phrase "proportion_of_acceptable_signal_returns" means the fraction of a collection (ensemble) of returned signal transmissions that have passed a set of automatic quality control criteria. For an ADCP (acoustic doppler current profiler) the rejection criteria include low correlation, large error velocity and fish detection. The dimensionless proportion is often but not exclusively expressed as a percentage, when it is referred to as "percent good". I I9GLGOPV indicative_error_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water Sea water velocity is a vector quantity that is the speed at which water travels in a specified direction. The "indicative error" is an estimate of the quality of a sea water velocity profile measured using an ADCP (acoustic doppler current profiler). It is determined by differencing duplicate error velocity measurements made using different pairs of beams. The parameter is frequently referred to as the "error velocity". I RIMODKVA beam_consistency_indicator_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water The "beam_consistency_indicator" is the degree to which the magnitudes of a collection (ensemble) of acoustic signals from multiple underwater acoustic transceivers relate to each other. It is used as a data quality assessment parameter in ADCP (acoustic doppler current profiler) instruments and is frequently referred to as "correlation magnitude". Convention is that the larger the value, the higher the signal to noise ratio and therefore the better the quality of the current vector measurements; the maximum value of the indicator is 128. I THTBXRBY temperature_of_analysis_of_sea_water The temperature_of_analysis_of_sea_water is the reference temperature for the effects of temperature on the measurement of another variable. This temperature should be measured, but may have been calculated, or assumed. For example, the temperature of the sample when measuring pH, or the temperature of equilibration in the case of dissolved gases. The linkage between the data variable and the variable with a standard_name of temperature_of_analysis_of_sea_water is achieved using the ancillary_variables attribute on the data variable. I