CF12N53 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hcfc141b "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The chemical formula for HCFC141b is CH3CCl2F. The IUPAC name for HCFC141b is 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane. M CF14N68 surface_upward_mole_flux_of_dimethyl_sulfide The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Upward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed upward (negative downward). In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. The chemical formula for dimethyl sulfide is (CH3)2S. Dimethyl sulfide is sometimes referred to as DMS. M CF12N633 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hcc140a_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for hcc140a is CH3CCl3. The IUPAC name for hcc140a is 1,1,1-trichloro-ethane. M CF14N81 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolution The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. Aragonite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of aragonite is CaCO3. Standard names also exist for calcite, another polymorph of calcium carbonate. M CF14N23 mole_concentration_of_carbonate_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The chemical formula of the carbonate anion is CO3 with a charge of minus two. M CF14N85 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_iron_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dissolved inorganic iron" means iron ions, in oxidation states of both Fe2+ and Fe3+, in solution. M CFV15A28 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_phosphorus_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dissolved inorganic phosphorus" means the sum of all inorganic phosphorus in solution (including phosphate, hydrogen phosphate, dihydrogen phosphate, and phosphoric acid). M CFV15A29 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_silicon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dissolved inorganic silicon" means the sum of all inorganic silicon in solution (including silicic acid and its first dissociated anion SiO(OH)3-). M CF14N90 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water_due_to_grazing_of_phytoplankton The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. "Grazing of phytoplankton" means the grazing of phytoplankton by zooplankton. M CF14N82 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_production The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. Calcite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of calcite is CaCO3. Standard names also exist for aragonite, another polymorph of calcium carbonate. M CF14N38 mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_iron_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. M CF12S42 tendency_of_atmosphere_moles_of_cfc115 The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The construction "atmosphere_moles_of_X" means the total number of moles of X in the entire atmosphere, i.e. summed over the atmospheric column and over the entire globe. The chemical formula of CFC115 is CClF2CF3. The IUPAC name for CFC115 is 1-chloro-1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoro-ethane. M CF14N43 mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_phosphorus_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N83 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolution The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. Calcite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of calcite is CaCO3. Standard names also exist for aragonite, another polymorph of calcium carbonate. M CF14N22 mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". "Mole concentration at saturation" means the mole concentration in a saturated solution.The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Calcite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of calcite is CaCO3. Standard names also exist for aragonite, another polymorph of calcium carbonate. M CF14N9 mass_concentration_of_diazotrophs_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water Mass concentration means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Chlorophylls are the green pigments found in most plants, algae and cyanobacteria; their presence is essential for photosynthesis to take place. There are several different forms of chlorophyll that occur naturally. All contain a chlorin ring (chemical formula C20H16N4) which gives the green pigment and a side chain whose structure varies. The naturally occurring forms of chlorophyll contain between 35 and 55 carbon atoms. In ocean modelling, diazotrophs are phytoplankton of the phylum cyanobacteria distinct from other phytoplankton groups in their ability to fix nitrogen gas in addition to nitrate and ammonium. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N44 mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_silicon_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N92 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_iron_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_production The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. M CF14N91 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water_due_to_scavenging_by_inorganic_particles The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. M 6ZGAK5Q0 net_primary_mole_productivity_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_by_diazotrophs "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. "Productivity" means production per unit area. The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. In ocean modelling, diazotrophs are phytoplankton of the phylum cyanobacteria distinct from other phytoplankton groups in their ability to fix nitrogen gas in addition to nitrate and ammonium. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N86 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Inorganic nitrogen" describes a family of chemical species which, in an ocean model, usually includes nitrite, nitrate and ammonium which act as nitrogen nutrients. "Inorganic nitrogen" is the term used in standard names for all species belonging to the family that are represented within a given model. The list of individual species that are included in a quantity having a group chemical standard name can vary between models. Where possible, the data variable should be accompanied by a complete description of the species represented, for example, by using a comment attribute. M CF14N26 mole_concentration_of_dimethyl_sulfide_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The chemical formula for dimethyl sulfide is (CH3)2S. Dimethyl sulfide is sometimes referred to as DMS. M CF14N30 mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water_at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The concentration of any chemical species, whether particulate or dissolved, may vary with depth in the ocean. A depth profile may go through one or more local minima in concentration. The mole_concentration_of_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water_at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile is the mole concentration of oxygen at the local minimum in the concentration profile that occurs closest to the sea surface. The chemical formula for molecular oxygen is O2. M CF12S43 tendency_of_atmosphere_moles_of_cfc12 The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The construction "atmosphere_moles_of_X" means the total number of moles of X in the entire atmosphere, i.e. summed over the atmospheric column and over the entire globe. The chemical formula for CFC12 is CF2Cl2. The IUPAC name for CFC12 is dichloro-difluoro-methane. M CF14N42 mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_iron_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N40 mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_phosphorus_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. M CF14N8 mass_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water Mass concentration means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Chlorophylls are the green pigments found in most plants, algae and cyanobacteria; their presence is essential for photosynthesis to take place. There are several different forms of chlorophyll that occur naturally. All contain a chlorin ring (chemical formula C20H16N4) which gives the green pigment and a side chain whose structure varies. The naturally occurring forms of chlorophyll contain between 35 and 55 carbon atoms. Diatoms are single-celled phytoplankton with an external skeleton made of silica. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N80 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_production The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. Aragonite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of aragonite is CaCO3. Standard names also exist for calcite, another polymorph of calcium carbonate. M CF14N84 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dissolved inorganic carbon" describes a family of chemical species in solution, including carbon dioxide, carbonic acid and the carbonate and bicarbonate anions. "Dissolved inorganic carbon" is the term used in standard names for all species belonging to the family that are represented within a given model. The list of individual species that are included in a quantity having a group chemical standard name can vary between models. Where possible, the data variable should be accompanied by a complete description of the species represented, for example, by using a comment attribute. M CF14N18 mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". "Mole concentration at saturation" means the mole concentration in a saturated solution. The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Aragonite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of aragonite is CaCO3. Standard names also exist for calcite, another polymorph of calcium carbonate. M CF14N29 mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The chemical formula for molecular oxygen is O2. M CF12S40 tendency_of_atmosphere_moles_of_cfc113 The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The construction "atmosphere_moles_of_X" means the total number of moles of X in the entire atmosphere, i.e. summed over the atmospheric column and over the entire globe. The chemical formula of CFC113 is CCl2FCClF2. The IUPAC name for CFC113 is 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-ethane. M CF14N84 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dissolved inorganic carbon" describes a family of chemical species in solution, including carbon dioxide, carbonic acid and the carbonate and bicarbonate anions. "Dissolved inorganic carbon" is the term used in standard names for all species belonging to the family that are represented within a given model. The list of individual species that are included in a quantity having a group chemical standard name can vary between models. Where possible, the data variable should be accompanied by a complete description of the species represented, for example, by using a comment attribute. M CF12N248 mass_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water Mass concentration means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Diatoms are single-celled phytoplankton with an external skeleton made of silica. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M Z2DYHW05 net_primary_mole_productivity_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_by_calcareous_phytoplankton "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. "Productivity" means production per unit area. The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. "Calcareous phytoplankton" are phytoplankton that produce calcite. Calcite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of calcite is CaCO3. Standard names also exist for aragonite, another polymorph of calcium carbonate. M 0NGA1E0E tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_grazing_of_phytoplankton The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. "Grazing of phytoplankton" means the grazing of phytoplankton by zooplankton. M CFV7N41 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_gaseous_elemental_mercury_due_to_dry_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dry deposition"is the sum of turbulent deposition and gravitational settling. M R5C60WOO net_primary_mole_productivity_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_by_miscellaneous_phytoplankton "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. "Productivity" means production per unit area. The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. "Miscellaneous phytoplankton" are all those phytoplankton that are not diatoms, diazotrophs, calcareous phytoplankton, picophytoplankton or other seperately named components of the phytoplankton population. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M 2313HZTW net_primary_mole_productivity_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_by_picophytoplankton "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. "Productivity" means production per unit area. The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Picophytoplankton are phytoplankton of less than 2 micrometers in size. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M HCCBECIH tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission_from_forest_fires The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. The "forest fires" sector comprises the burning (natural and human-induced) of living or dead vegetation in forests. "Forest fires" is the term used in standard names to describe a collection of emission sources. A variable which has this value for the standard_name attribute should be accompanied by a comment attribute which lists the source categories and provides a reference to the categorization scheme, for example, "IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) source category 5 as defined in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas Inventories". M CF14N41 mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. Standard names also exist for the mole concentration of a number of components that make up the total phytoplankton population, such as diatoms, diazotrophs, calcareous phytoplankton, picophytoplankton and miscellaneous phytoplankton. M CFV7N40 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_gaseous_divalent_mercury_due_to_wet_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Wet deposition" means deposition by precipitation. "Divalent mercury" means all compounds in which the mercury has two binding sites to other ion(s) in a salt or to other atom(s) in a molecule. M CF14N96 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_diazotrophs The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (the rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. In the oceans, carbon production per unit volume is often found at a number of depths at a given horizontal location. That quantity can then be integrated to calculate production per unit area at the location. Standard names for production per unit area use the term "productivity". In ocean modelling, diazotrophs are phytoplankton of the phylum cyanobacteria distinct from other phytoplankton groups in their ability to fix nitrogen gas in addition to nitrate and ammonium. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N94 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_calcareous_phytoplankton The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (the rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. In the oceans, carbon production per unit volume is often found at a number of depths at a given horizontal location. That quantity can then be integrated to calculate production per unit area at the location. Standard names for production per unit area use the term "productivity". "Calcareous phytoplankton" are phytoplankton that produce calcite. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. Calcite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of calcite is CaCO3. Standard names also exist for aragonite, another polymorph of calcium carbonate. M CF14N25 mole_concentration_of_diazotrophs_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. In ocean modelling, diazotrophs are phytoplankton of the phylum cyanobacteria distinct from other phytoplankton groups in their ability to fix nitrogen gas in addition to nitrate and ammonium. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF12N626 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. M CF12S27 mole_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated in terms of B alone, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Diatoms are phytoplankton with an external skeleton made of silica. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M W7YFSHUY net_primary_mole_productivity_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_by_phytoplankton "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. "Productivity" means production per unit area. The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N13 mass_concentration_of_miscellaneous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water Mass concentration means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Chlorophylls are the green pigments found in most plants, algae and cyanobacteria; their presence is essential for photosynthesis to take place. There are several different forms of chlorophyll that occur naturally. All contain a chlorin ring (chemical formula C20H16N4) which gives the green pigment and a side chain whose structure varies. The naturally occurring forms of chlorophyll contain between 35 and 55 carbon atoms. "Miscellaneous phytoplankton" are all those phytoplankton that are not diatoms, diazotrophs, calcareous phytoplankton, picophytoplankton or other separately named components of the phytoplankton population. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CFV7N39 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_gaseous_divalent_mercury_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. "Divalent mercury" means all compounds in which the mercury has two binding sites to other ion(s) in a salt or to other atom(s) in a molecule. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. M AJEJHHIB tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission_from_energy_production_and_distribution The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. The "energy production and distribution" sector comprises fuel combustion activities related to energy industries and fugitive emissions from fuels. It may also include any not-classified or "other" combustion, which is commonly included in energy-related inventory data. "Energy production and distribution" is the term used in standard names to describe a collection of emission sources. A variable which has this value for the standard_name attribute should be accompanied by a comment attribute which lists the source categories and provides a reference to the categorization scheme, for example, "IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) source categories 1A1 and 1B as defined in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories". M CF14N20 mole_concentration_of_calcareous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. "Calcareous phytoplankton" are phytoplankton that produce calcite. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. Calcite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of calcite is CaCO3. Standard names also exist for aragonite, another polymorph of calcium carbonate. M CF14N34 mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. "Miscellaneous phytoplankton" are all those phytoplankton that are not diatoms, diazotrophs, calcareous phytoplankton, picophytoplankton or other separately named components of the phytoplankton population. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF12N311 mass_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water Mass concentration means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction "mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. Standard names also exist for the mass concentration of a number of components that make up the total phytoplankton population, such as diatoms, diazotrophs, calcareous phytoplankton, picophytoplankton and miscellaneous phytoplankton. Chlorophylls are the green pigments found in most plants, algae and cyanobacteria; their presence is essential for photosynthesis to take place. There are several different forms of chlorophyll that occur naturally. All contain a chlorin ring (chemical formula C20H16N4) which gives the green pigment and a side chain whose structure varies. The naturally occurring forms of chlorophyll contain between 35 and 55 carbon atoms. M CF12S32 mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M EIBDBBFA tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission_from_agricultural_waste_burning The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. The "agricultural waste burning" sector comprises field burning of agricultural residues. "Agricultural waste burning" is the term used in standard names to describe a collection of emission sources. A variable which has this value for the standard_name attribute should be accompanied by a comment attribute which lists the source categories and provides a reference to the categorization scheme, for example, "IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) source category 4F as defined in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories". M 5G0VSG9S sea_water_temperature_anomaly The term "anomaly" means difference from climatology. Sea water temperature is the in situ temperature of the sea water. To specify the depth at which the temperature anomaly applies, use a vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable. I CF14N97 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_miscellaneous_phytoplankton The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (the rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. In the oceans, carbon production per unit volume is often found at a number of depths at a given horizontal location. That quantity can then be integrated to calculate production per unit area at the location. Standard names for production per unit area use the term "productivity". Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. "Miscellaneous phytoplankton" are all those phytoplankton that are not diatoms, diazotrophs, calcareous phytoplankton, picophytoplankton or other separately named components of the phytoplankton population. M CF14N45 mole_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Picophytoplankton are phytoplankton of less than 2 micrometers in size. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M BHHGFCAH tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission_from_agricultural_production The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. The "agricultural production" sector comprises the agricultural processes of enteric fermentation, manure management, rice cultivation, agricultural soils and other. It may also include any not-classified or "other" combustion, which is commonly included in agriculture-related inventory data. "Agricultural production" is the term used in standard names to describe a collection of emission sources. A variable which has this value for the standard_name attribute should be accompanied by a comment attribute which lists the source categories and provides a reference to the categorization scheme, for example, "IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) source categories 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D and 4G as defined in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories". M CFV7N17 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hexachlorobiphenyl_due_to_wet_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Wet deposition" means deposition by precipitation. The chemical formula for hexachlorobiphenyl is C12H4Cl6. The structure of this species consists of two linked benzene rings, each of which is additionally bonded to three chlorine atoms. M TIFFNDIL mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". "Inorganic nitrogen" describes a family of chemical species which, in an ocean model, usually includes nitrite, nitrate and ammonium which act as nitrogen nutrients. "Inorganic nitrogen" is the term used in standard names for all species belonging to the family that are represented within a given model. The list of individual species that are included in a quantity having a group chemical standard name can vary between models. Where possible, the data variable should be accompanied by a complete description of the species represented, for example, by using a comment attribute. I CF12N634 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hcfc141b_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for HCFC141b is CH3CCl2F. The IUPAC name for HCFC141b is 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane. M 6PKIBDQJ tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydrogen_peroxide_due_to_wet_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Wet deposition" means deposition by precipitation. The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. M CF12N628 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formic_acid_due_to_wet_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Wet deposition" means deposition by precipitation. The chemical formula for formic acid is HCOOH. The IUPAC name for formic acid is methanoic acid. M CF12N632 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_halon2402_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for halo2402 is C2Br2F4. The IUPAC name for halon2402 is 1,2-dibromo-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-ethane. M CF12N51 atmosphere_mass_content_of_halon2402 "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The chemical formula for halo2402 is C2Br2F4. The IUPAC name for halon2402 is 1,2-dibromo-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-ethane. M CF12N636 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hcfc22_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase due_to_process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for HCFC22 is CHClF2. The IUPAC name for HCFC22 is chloro-difluoro-methane. M CFV7N43 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_gaseous_elemental_mercury_due_to_wet_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Wet deposition" means deposition by precipitation. M CF12N55 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hcfc22 "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The chemical formula for HCFC22 is CHClF2. The IUPAC name for HCFC22 is chloro-difluoro-methane. M CF12N63 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydroxyl_radical "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The chemical formula for the hydroxyl radical is OH. In chemistry, a 'radical' is a highly reactive, and therefore short lived, species. M CBHJDCDH tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission_from_land_transport The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. The "land transport" sector includes fuel combustion activities related to road transportation, railways and other transportation. "Land transport" is the term used in standard names to describe a collection of emission sources. A variable which has this value for the standard_name attribute should be accompanied by a comment attribute which lists the source categories and provides a reference to the categorization scheme, for example, "IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) source categories 1A3b, 1A3c and 1A3e as defined in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories". M CF12N639 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydrogen_peroxide_due_to_dry_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dry deposition" is the sum of turbulent deposition and gravitational settling. The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. M BGBBFDBF tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission_from_residential_and_commercial_combustion The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. The "residential and commercial combustion" sector comprises fuel combustion activities related to the commercial/institutional sector, the residential sector and the agriculture/forestry/fishing sector. It may also include any not-classified or "other" combustion, which is commonly included in the inventory data. "Residential and commercial combustion" is the term used in standard names to describe a collection of emission sources. A variable which has this value for the standard_name attribute should be accompanied by a comment attribute which lists the source categories and provides a reference to the categorization scheme, for example, "IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) source categories 1A4a, 1A4b and 1A4c as defined in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories". M CF12N48 atmosphere_mass_content_of_halon1202 "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The chemical formula for halon1202 is CBr2F2. The IUPAC name for halon1202 is dibromo-difluoro-methane. M CF12N625 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_dry_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dry deposition" is the sum of turbulent deposition and gravitational settling. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. M CF12N631 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_halon1301_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for halon1301 is CBrF3. The IUPAC name for halon1301 is bromo-trifluoro-methane. M CFV7N14 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hexachlorobiphenyl_due_to_dry_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dry deposition" is the sum of turbulent deposition and gravitational settling. The chemical formula for hexachlorobiphenyl is C12H4Cl6. The structure of this species consists of two linked benzene rings, each of which is additionally bonded to three chlorine atoms. M HU75AF06 mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_nitrogen_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". "Particulate organic nitrogen" means the sum of all organic nitrogen compounds that are solid, or bound to solid particles. "Organic nitrogen", when measured, always refers to all nitrogen incorporated in carbon compounds in the sample. Models may use the term to refer to nitrogen contained in specific groups of organic compounds in which case the data variable should be accompanied by a complete description of the species represented, for example, by using a comment attribute. I CF12N54 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hcfc142b "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The chemical formula for HCFC142b is CH3CClF2. The IUPAC name for HCFC142b is 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane. M CFV7N15 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hexachlorobiphenyl_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for hexachlorobiphenyl is C12H4Cl6. The structure of this species consists of two linked benzene rings, each of which is additionally bonded to three chlorine atoms. M 76G5N5OC tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_wet_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Wet deposition" means deposition by precipitation. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. M CF12N635 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hcfc142b_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for HCFC142b is CH3CClF2. The IUPAC name for HCFC142b is 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane. M CF12N50 atmosphere_mass_content_of_halon1301 "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The chemical formula for halon1301 is CBrF3. The IUPAC name for halon1301 is bromo-trifluoro-methane. M CF12N637 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydrogen_cyanide_due_to_dry_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dry deposition" is the sum of turbulent deposition and gravitational settling. The chemical formula for hydrogen cyanide is HCN. M CF14N61 sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_organic_nitrogen_in_sea_water In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. "Sinking" is the gravitational settling of particulate matter suspended in a liquid. A sinking flux is positive downwards and is calculated relative to the movement of the surrounding fluid. "Particulate organic nitrogen" means the sum of all organic nitrogen compounds, which are solid or which are bound to solid particles. "Organic nitrogen", when measured, always refers to all nitrogen incorporated in carbon compounds in the sample. Models may use the term to refer to nitrogen contained in specific groups of organic compounds in which case the data variable should be accompanied by a complete description of the species represented, for example, by using a comment attribute. M CF12N627 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formic_acid_due_to_dry_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dry deposition" is the sum of turbulent deposition and gravitational settling. The chemical formula for formic acid is HCOOH. The IUPAC name for formic acid is methanoic acid. M CF12N49 atmosphere_mass_content_of_halon1211 "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The chemical formula for halon1211 is CBrClF2. The IUPAC name for halon1211 is bromo-chloro-difluoro-methane. M CF12N638 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydrogen_cyanide_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for hydrogen cyanide is HCN. M CFV7N42 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_gaseous_elemental_mercury_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. M CF12N58 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydrogen_bromide "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The chemical formula for hydrogen bromide is HBr. M JIJJJIJI tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission_from_waste_treatment_and_disposal The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. The "waste treatment and disposal" sector comprises solid waste disposal on land, wastewater handling, waste incineration and other waste disposal. "Waste treatment and disposal" is the term used in standard names to describe a collection of emission sources. A variable which has this value for the standard_name attribute should be accompanied by a comment attribute which lists the source categories and provides a reference to the categorization scheme, for example, "IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) source categories 6A, 6B, 6C and 6D as defined in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories". M CF12N57 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hox_expressed_as_hydrogen "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. "HOx" means a combination of two radical species containing hydrogen and oxygen: OH and HO2. The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. M FAEFGFCB tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission_from_savanna_and_grassland_fires The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. The "savanna and grassland fires" sector comprises the burning (natural and human-induced) of living or dead vegetation in non-forested areas. It excludes field burning of agricultural residues. "Savanna and grassland fires" is the term used in standard names to describe a collection of emission sources. A variable which has this value for the standard_name attribute should be accompanied by a comment attribute which lists the source categories and provides a reference to the categorization scheme, for example, "IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) source category 5 as defined in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas Inventories". M CF12N52 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hcc140a "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The chemical formula for hcc140a is CH3CCl3. The IUPAC name for hcc140a is 1,1,1-trichloro-ethane. M CF12N56 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hexachlorobiphenyl "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The chemical formula for hexachlorobiphenyl is C12H4Cl6. The structure of this species consists of two linked benzene rings, each of which is additionally bonded to three chlorine atoms. M CF12N62 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydroperoxyl_radical "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The chemical formula for the hydroperoxyl radical is HO2. In chemistry, a 'radical' is a highly reactive, and therefore short lived, species. M CFV7N16 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_hexachlorobiphenyl_due_to_re_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Re-emission" refers to emission that is not from a primary source; it refers to emission of a species that has previously been deposited and accumulated in soils or water. "Re-emission" is a process entirely distinct from "emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for hexachlorobiphenyl is C12H4Cl6. The structure of this species consists of two linked benzene rings, each of which is additionally bonded to three chlorine atoms. M CF12N630 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_halon1211_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for halon1211 is CBrClF2. The IUPAC name for halon1211 is bromo-chloro-difluoro-methane. M CF12N61 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydrogen_peroxide "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. M CF14N100 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_silicon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_production The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called"molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. M CF14N93 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (the rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. In the oceans, carbon production per unit volume is often found at a number of depths at a given horizontal location. That quantity can then be integrated to calculate production per unit area at the location. Standard names for production per unit area use the term "productivity". M CF12N65 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hypochlorous_acid "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The chemical formula for hypochlorous acid is HOCl. M CF14N28 mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". M CF12N64 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hypobromous_acid "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The chemical formula for hypobromous acid is HOBr. M ZWN04FAY net_primary_mole_productivity_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_nitrate_utilization "Production of carbon" refers to the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. "Productivity" means production per unit area. The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Nitrate utilization" means net primary production by phytoplankton based on nitrate alone. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. The chemical formula for the nitrate anion is NO3-. M CF12N60 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydrogen_cyanide "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The chemical formula for hydrogen cyanide is HCN. M CF14N6 mass_concentration_of_calcareous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water Mass concentration means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Chlorophylls are the green pigments found in most plants, algae and cyanobacteria; their presence is essential for photosynthesis to take place. There are several different forms of chlorophyll that occur naturally. All contain a chlorin ring (chemical formula C20H16N4) which gives the green pigment and a side chain whose structure varies. The naturally occurring forms of chlorophyll contain between 35 and 55 carbon atoms. "Calcareous phytoplankton" are phytoplankton that produce calcite. Calcite is a mineral that is a polymorph of calcium carbonate. The chemical formula of calcite is CaCO3. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M RMOQBF66 net_primary_mole_productivity_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_by_diatoms "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. "Productivity" means production per unit area. The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Diatoms are single-celled phytoplankton with an external skeleton made of silica. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF12N59 atmosphere_mass_content_of_hydrogen_chloride "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The chemical formula for hydrogen chloride is HCl. M CF12N629 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_halon1202_due_to_emission The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for halon1202 is CBr2F2. The IUPAC name for halon1202 is dibromo-difluoro-methane. M CF14N95 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_diatoms The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (the rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. In the oceans, carbon production per unit volume is often found at a number of depths at a given horizontal location. That quantity can then be integrated to calculate production per unit area at the location. Standard names for production per unit area use the term "productivity". Diatoms are single-celled phytoplankton with an external skeleton made of silica. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N98 tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_picophytoplankton The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Production of carbon" means the production of biomass expressed as the mass of carbon which it contains. Net primary production is the excess of gross primary production (the rate of synthesis of biomass from inorganic precursors) by autotrophs ("producers"), for example, photosynthesis in plants or phytoplankton, over the rate at which the autotrophs themselves respire some of this biomass. In the oceans, carbon production per unit volume is often found at a number of depths at a given horizontal location. That quantity can then be integrated to calculate production per unit area at the location. Standard names for production per unit area use the term "productivity". Picophytoplankton are phytoplankton of less than 2 micrometers in size. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M DBEGDDDD tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_formaldehyde_due_to_emission_from_industrial_processes_and_combustion The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. earth's surface). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for formaldehyde is CH2O. The IUPAC name for formaldehyde is methanal. The "industrial processes and combustion" sector comprises fuel combustion activities related to manufacturing industries and construction, industrial processes related to mineral products, the chemical industry, metal production, the production of pulp, paper, food and drink, and non-energy industry use of lubricants and waxes. It may also include any not-classified or "other" combustion, which is commonly included in industry-related inventory data. "Industrial processes and combustion" is the term used in standard names to describe a collection of emission sources. A variable which has this value for the standard_name attribute should be accompanied by a comment attribute which lists the source categories and provides a reference to the categorization scheme, for example, "IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) source categories 1A2, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D and 2G as defined in the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories". M CF14N37 mole_concentration_of_particulate_matter_expressed_as_silicon_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called"molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. M CF14N39 mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. M CFV7N38 tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_gaseous_divalent_mercury_due_to_dry_deposition The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, standard names including content_of_atmosphere_layer are used. "Divalent mercury" means all compounds in which the mercury has two binding sites to other ion(s) in a salt or to other atom(s) in a molecule. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Dry deposition" is the sum of turbulent deposition and gravitational settling. M CF12N247 mass_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water Mass concentration means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Diatoms are single-celled phytoplankton with an external skeleton made of silica. Phytoplankton are a algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M CF14N14 mass_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water Mass concentration means mass per unit volume and is used in the construction mass_concentration_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "expressed_as" is used in the construction A_expressed_as_B, where B is a chemical constituent of A. It means that the quantity indicated by the standard name is calculated solely with respect to the B contained in A, neglecting all other chemical constituents of A. Chlorophylls are the green pigments found in most plants, algae and cyanobacteria; their presence is essential for photosynthesis to take place. There are several different forms of chlorophyll that occur naturally. All contain a chlorin ring (chemical formula C20H16N4) which gives the green pigment and a side chain whose structure varies. The naturally occurring forms of chlorophyll contain between 35 and 55 carbon atoms. Picophytoplankton are phytoplankton of less than 2 micrometers in size. Phytoplankton are algae that grow where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis. M