CFSN0444 platform_speed_wrt_air Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. The phrase "wrt" means "with respect to". The abbreviation "wrt" means with respect to. Speed is the magnitude of velocity. The platform speed with respect to air is often called the "air speed" of the platform. M CFSN0445 platform_speed_wrt_ground Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. The abbreviation "wrt" means with respect to. Speed is the magnitude of velocity. The platform speed with respect to ground is relative to the solid Earth beneath it, i.e. the sea floor for a ship. It is often called the "ground speed" of the platform. M CFV13N22 spell_length_of_days_with_air_temperature_above_threshold Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the a standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M CFSN0446 platform_speed_wrt_sea_water Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. The abbreviation "wrt" means with respect to. Speed is the magnitude of velocity. M IY5BYO0G platform_azimuth_angle Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. Platform azimuth angle is the horizontal angle between the line of sight from the observation point to the platform and a reference direction at the observation point, which is often due north. The angle is measured clockwise positive, starting from the reference direction. A comment attribute should be added to a data variable with the standard name platform_azimuth_angle to specify the reference direction. A standard name also exists for sensor_azimuth_angle. For some viewing geometries the sensor and the platform cannot be assumed to be close enough to neglect the difference in calculated azimuth angle. M YRIJPGMH platform_view_angle Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. Platform view angle is the angle between the line of sight from the platform and the direction straight vertically down. Zero view angle means looking directly beneath the platform. There is no standardized sign convention for platform_view_angle. A standard name also exists for sensor_view_angle. For some viewing geometries the sensor and the platform cannot be assumed to be close enough to neglect the difference in calculated view angle. M BBAH2117 platform_zenith_angle Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. Platform zenith angle is the the angle between the line of sight to the platform and the local zenith at the observation target. This angle is measured starting from directly overhead and its range is from zero (directly overhead the observation target) to 180 degrees (directly below the observation target). Local zenith is a line perpendicular to the Earth's surface at a given location. "Observation target" means a location on the Earth defined by the sensor performing the observations. A standard name also exists for sensor_zenith_angle. For some viewing geometries the sensor and the platform cannot be assumed to be close enough to neglect the difference in calculated zenith angle. M I2NHBPFG platform_id Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. A variable with the standard name of platform_id contains strings which help to identify the platform from which an observation was made. For example, this may be a WMO station identification number. M 2SXARADF platform_heave_rate Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. "Heave" means the vertical displacement of a platform (positive upwards) over a measurement time interval. "Heave rate" means the rate of change of vertical displacement of the platform over a measurement time interval. I HVSA2K34 relative_platform_azimuth_angle Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. The quantity with standard name relative_platform_azimuth_angle is the difference between the viewing geometries from two different platforms over the same observation target. It is the difference between the values of two quantities with standard name platform_azimuth_angle. There is no standardized sign convention for relative_platform_azimuth_angle. "Observation target" means a location on the Earth defined by the sensor performing the observations. A standard name also exists for relative_sensor_azimuth_angle. For some viewing geometries the sensor and the platform cannot be assumed to be close enough to neglect the difference in calculated azimuth angle. M PBL8WDD1 platform_heave Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. "Heave" means the vertical displacement of a platform (positive upwards) over a measurement time interval. I CH3BBTYJ platform_name Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. A variable with the standard name of platform_name contains strings which help to identify the platform from which an observation was made. For example, this may be a geographical place name such as "South Pole" or the name of a meteorological observing station. M G23OLCY7 change_over_time_in_amount_of_ice_and_snow_on_land The phrase "change_over_time_in_X" means change in a quantity X over a time-interval, which should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. "Amount" means mass per unit area. The phrase "ice_and_snow_on_land" means ice in glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets and shelves, river and lake ice, any other ice on a land surface, such as frozen flood water, and snow lying on such ice or on the land surface. M KWC6XKDV change_over_time_in_thermal_energy_content_of_ice_and_snow_on_land The phrase "change_over_time_in_X" means change in a quantity X over a time-interval, which should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. Thermal energy is the total vibrational energy, kinetic and potential, of all the molecules and atoms in a substance. The phrase "ice_and_snow_on_land" means ice in glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets and shelves, river and lake ice, any other ice on a land surface, such as frozen flood water, and snow lying on such ice or on the land surface. M L3DJHB6D non_tidal_elevation_of_sea_surface_height "Sea surface height" is a time-varying quantity. The phrase "non_tidal_elevation" describes the contribution to sea surface height variability made by processes other than astronomic forcing of the ocean and shallow water resonance of tidal components. These processes include storm surge (due to a combination of meteorological forcing of the ocean and interaction between the generated surge and tides), effects of surface ocean waves, and seasonal and climatic variation in ocean density and circulation. The contribution made by each process varies according to the averaging time of the variable as described by the bounds and cell_methods attributes of the data variable. I CFV15A14 stratiform_precipitation_amount "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. Stratiform precipitation, whether liquid or frozen, is precipitation that formed in stratiform cloud. "Amount" means mass per unit area. M CFSN0049 water_evaporation_amount_from_canopy "Amount" means mass per unit area. "Water" means water in all phases. Evaporation is the conversion of liquid or solid into vapor. (The conversion of solid alone into vapor is called "sublimation".) "Canopy" means the vegetative covering over a surface. The canopy is often considered to be the outer surfaces of the vegetation. Plant height and the distribution, orientation and shape of plant leaves within a canopy influence the atmospheric environment and many plant processes within the canopy. Reference: AMS Glossary Unless indicated in the cell_methods attribute, a quantity is assumed to apply to the whole area of each horizontal grid box. Previously, the qualifier "where_type" was used to specify that the quantity applies only to the part of the grid box of the named type. Names containing the where_type qualifier are deprecated and newly created data should use the cell_methods attribute to indicate the horizontal area to which the quantity applies. M CFV13N25 spell_length_of_days_with_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_below_threshold "Amount" means mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases.The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the a standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M 7MDP5HXC sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_directional_spread The quantity with standard name sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_directional_spread is the directional width of the tertiary swell wave component of a sea. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The tertiary swell wave is the third most energetic swell wave. Directional spread is the (one-sided) directional width within a given sub-domain of the wave directional spectrum, S(t,x,y,f,theta) where t is time, x and y are horizontal coordinates (such as longitude and latitude), f is frequency and theta is direction. For a given mean wave (beam) direction the quantity approximates half the root mean square width about the beam axis, as derived either directly from circular moments or via the Fourier components of the wave directional spectrum. I VKBFPUCH sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_significant_height Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The tertiary swell wave is the third most energetic swell wave. Significant wave height is a statistic computed from wave measurements and corresponds to the mean height of the highest one third of the waves, where the height is defined as the vertical distance from a wave trough to the following wave crest. I M0F12FKW sea_surface_primary_swell_wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum The quantity with standard name sea_surface_primary_swell_wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum is the energy of the most energetic waves within the primary swell wave component of a sea. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The primary swell wave is the most energetic swell wave. The phrase "wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", sometimes called peak wave energy, describes the maximum value of the wave_variance_spectral_density within a given sub-domain of the wave spectrum. I P9IY6NIQ sea_surface_wave_directional_spread Directional spread is the (one-sided) directional width within a given sub-domain of the wave directional spectrum, S(t,x,y,f,theta) where t is time, x and y are horizontal coordinates (such as longitude and latitude), f is frequency and theta is direction. For a given mean wave (beam) direction the quantity approximates half the root mean square width about the beam axis, as derived either directly from circular moments or via the Fourier components of the wave directional spectrum. I 4XZV20IR sea_surface_secondary_swell_wave_directional_spread The quantity with standard name sea_surface_secondary_swell_wave_directional_spread is the directional width of the secondary swell wave component of a sea. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The secondary swell wave is the second most energetic wave in the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. Directional spread is the (one-sided) directional width within a given sub-domain of the wave directional spectrum, S(t,x,y,f,theta) where t is time, x and y are horizontal coordinates (such as longitude and latitude), f is frequency and theta is direction. For a given mean wave (beam) direction the quantity approximates half the root mean square width about the beam axis, as derived either directly from circular moments or via the Fourier components of the wave directional spectrum. I CFV13N25 spell_length_of_days_with_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_below_threshold "Amount" means mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases.The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the a standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M XNYIDNIT sea_surface_primary_swell_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum The quantity with standard name sea_surface_primary_swell_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum is the period of the most energetic waves within the primary swell wave component of a sea. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The primary swell wave is the most energetic swell wave. A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated features on the waveform such as crests, troughs or upward passes through the mean level. The phrase "wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", sometimes called peak wave period, describes the period of the most energetic waves within a given sub-domain of the wave spectrum. I CFSN0453 precipitation_flux "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. M K1FILD7R sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum The quantity with standard name sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum is the period of the most energetic waves within the tertiary swell wave component of a sea. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The tertiary swell wave is the third most energetic swell wave. A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated features on the waveform such as crests, troughs or upward passes through the mean level. The phrase "wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", sometimes called peak wave period, describes the period of the most energetic waves within a given sub-domain of the wave spectrum. I 1LT17N1B sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum The quantity with standard name sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum is the energy of the most energetic waves within the tertiary swell wave component of a sea. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The tertiary swell wave is the third most energetic swell wave. The phrase "wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", sometimes called peak wave energy, describes the maximum value of the wave_variance_spectral_density within a given sub-domain of the wave spectrum. I ADMH9217 sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_mean_period The quantity with standard name sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_mean_period is the mean period of the third most energetic swell waves. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The tertiary swell wave is the third most energetic swell wave. A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated features on the waveform such as crests, troughs or upward passes through the mean level. Wave mean period is the mean period measured over the observation duration. I TKJ80PUK sea_surface_secondary_swell_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum The quantity with standard name sea_surface_secondary_swell_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum is the period of the most energetic waves within the secondary swell wave component of a sea. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The secondary swell wave is the second most energetic wave in the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated features on the waveform such as crests, troughs or upward passes through the mean level. The phrase "wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", sometimes called peak wave period, describes the period of the most energetic waves within a given sub-domain of the wave spectrum. I CFV13N23 spell_length_of_days_with_air_temperature_below_threshold Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the a standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M CFV13N24 spell_length_of_days_with_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_above_threshold "Amount" means mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the a standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M CFSN0256 surface_snow_sublimation_amount The phrase "surface_snow" means snow lying on the surface. "Amount" means mass per unit area. Sublimation is the conversion of solid into vapor. I CFSN0541 mass_fraction_of_precipitation_in_air Mass fraction is used in the construction mass_fraction_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. It means the ratio of the mass of X to the mass of Y (including X). "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. M CFV13N24 spell_length_of_days_with_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_above_threshold "Amount" means mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. A spell is the number of consecutive days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. A variable whose standard name has the form spell_length_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the a standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_method entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A spell_length_of_days is an intensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days can be any of the methods listed in Appendix E appropriate for intensive quantities e.g. "maximum", "minimum" or "mean". M SJGDJ1U7 tidal_sea_surface_height_above_mean_sea_level "Sea surface height" is a time-varying quantity. "Height_above_X" means the vertical distance above the named surface X. "Mean sea level" means the time mean of sea surface elevation at a given location over an arbitrary period sufficient to eliminate the tidal signals. The tidal component of sea surface height describes the predicted variability of the sea surface due to astronomic forcing (chiefly lunar and solar cycles) and shallow water resonance of tidal components; for example as generated based on harmonic analysis, or resulting from the application of harmonic tidal series as boundary conditions to a numerical tidal model. I 8IYTGFU4 sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_from_direction The quantity with standard name sea_surface_tertiary_swell_wave_from_direction is the direction from which the third most energetic swell waves are coming. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The tertiary swell wave is the third most energetic swell wave. The phrase "from_direction" is used in the construction X_from_direction and indicates the direction from which the velocity vector of X is coming. The direction is a bearing in the usual geographical sense, measured positive clockwise from due north. I CFV13N29 tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_cloud_and_precipitation_and_boundary_layer_mixing The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. The specification of a physical process by the phrase due_to_process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. In an atmosphere model, stratiform cloud is that produced by large-scale convergence (not the convection schemes). "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. "Boundary layer mixing" means turbulent motions that transport heat, water, momentum and chemical constituents within the atmospheric boundary layer and affect exchanges between the surface and the atmosphere. The atmospheric boundary layer is typically characterised by a well-mixed sub-cloud layer of order 500 metres, and by a more extended conditionally unstable layer with boundary-layer clouds up to 2 km. (Reference: IPCC Third Assessment Report, Working Group 1: The Scientific Basis,, M SMTGYH2X tendency_of_specific_humidity_due_to_stratiform_cloud_and_precipitation The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. "Specific" means per unit mass. Specific humidity is the mass fraction of water vapor in (moist) air. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. In an atmosphere model, stratiform cloud is that produced by large-scale convergence (not the convection schemes). "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. A variable with the standard name of tendency_of_specific_humidity_due_to_stratiform_cloud_and_precipitation should contain the effects of all processes which convert stratiform clouds and precipitation to or from water vapor. M TNBLPUM0 tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_cloud_and_precipitation The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. In an atmosphere model, stratiform cloud is that produced by large-scale convergence (not the convection schemes). "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. A variable with the standard name tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_cloud_and_precipitation should contain net latent heating effects of all processes which convert stratiform clouds and precipitation between water vapor, liquid or ice phases. M TM3AH28X sea_surface_wind_wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum The quantity with standard name sea_surface_wind_wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum is the energy of the most energetic waves within the wind wave component of a sea. Wind waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the high frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The phrase "wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", sometimes called peak wave energy, describes the maximum value of the wave_variance_spectral_density within a given sub-domain of the wave spectrum. I CFV13A6 tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_precipitation The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. The specification of a physical process by the phrase due_to_process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. In an atmosphere model, stratiform cloud is that produced by large-scale convergence (not the convection schemes). "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. M R0PBU19R shallow_convective_precipitation_flux Convective precipitation is that produced by the convection schemes in an atmosphere model. Some atmosphere models differentiate between shallow and deep convection. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. M OY1ZBMF2 tidal_sea_surface_height_above_lowest_astronomical_tide "Sea surface height" is a time-varying quantity. "Height_above_X" means the vertical distance above the named surface X. "Lowest astronomical tide" describes a local vertical reference based on the lowest water level that can be expected to occur under average meteorological conditions and under any combination of astronomical conditions. The tidal component of sea surface height describes the predicted variability of the sea surface due to astronomic forcing (chiefly lunar and solar cycles) and shallow water resonance of tidal components; for example as generated based on harmonic analysis, or resulting from the application of harmonic tidal series as boundary conditions to a numerical tidal model. I PRXS8T3Y sea_surface_wind_wave_directional_spread The quantity with standard name sea_surface_wind_wave_directional_spread is the directional width of the wind wave component of a sea. Wind waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the high frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. Directional spread is the (one-sided) directional width within a given sub-domain of the wave directional spectrum, S(t,x,y,f,theta) where t is time, x and y are horizontal coordinates (such as longitude and latitude), f is frequency and theta is direction. For a given mean wave (beam) direction the quantity approximates half the root mean square width about the beam axis, as derived either directly from circular moments or via the Fourier components of the wave directional spectrum. I HZYG4E78 sea_surface_secondary_swell_wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum The quantity with standard name sea_surface_secondary_swell_wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum is the energy of the most energetic waves within the secondary swell wave component of a sea. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The secondary swell wave is the second most energetic wave in the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The phrase "wave_energy_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", sometimes called peak wave energy, describes the maximum value of the wave_variance_spectral_density within a given sub-domain of the wave spectrum. I T56CT7WY sea_surface_wind_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum The quantity with standard name sea_surface_wind_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum is the period of the most energetic waves within the wind wave component of a sea. Wind waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the high frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. A period is an interval of time, or the time-period of an oscillation. Wave period is the interval of time between repeated features on the waveform such as crests, troughs or upward passes through the mean level. The phrase "wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum", sometimes called peak wave period, describes the period of the most energetic waves within a given sub-domain of the wave spectrum. I CFV13A10 tendency_of_specific_humidity_due_to_stratiform_precipitation The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. Specific humidity is the mass fraction of water vapor in (moist) air. The specification of a physical process by the phrase due_to_process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. In an atmosphere model, stratiform cloud is that produced by large-scale convergence (not the convection schemes). "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. M CFSN0559 lwe_precipitation_rate "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. "Precipitation rate" means the depth or thickness of the layer formed by precipitation per unit time. M CFSN0555 lwe_convective_precipitation_rate Convective precipitation is that produced by the convection schemes in an atmosphere model. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. "Precipitation rate" means the depth or thickness of the layer formed by precipitation per unit time. M CPCLLNAV angle_of_rotation_from_solar_azimuth_to_platform_azimuth Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. An angle of rotation is reckoned positive in the anticlockwise direction. The "angle_of_rotation_from_solar_azimuth_to_platform_azimuth" is the angle of rotation between the solar azimuth angle and the platform azimuth angle. Solar azimuth angle is the horizontal angle between the line of sight from the observation point to the sun and a reference direction at the observation point, which is often due north. The angle is measured clockwise, starting from the reference direction. Platform azimuth angle is the horizontal angle between the line of sight from the observation point to the platform and a reference direction at the observation point, which is often due north. The angle is measured clockwise, starting from the reference direction. M F9MFZ76N sea_surface_primary_swell_wave_directional_spread The quantity with standard name sea_surface_primary_swell_wave_directional_spread is the directional width of the primary swell wave component of a sea. Swell waves are waves on the ocean surface and are the low frequency portion of a bimodal wave frequency spectrum. The primary swell wave is the most energetic swell wave. Directional spread is the (one-sided) directional width within a given sub-domain of the wave directional spectrum, S(t,x,y,f,theta) where t is time, x and y are horizontal coordinates (such as longitude and latitude), f is frequency and theta is direction. For a given mean wave (beam) direction the quantity approximates half the root mean square width about the beam axis, as derived either directly from circular moments or via the Fourier components of the wave directional spectrum. I CFV11N3 convective_precipitation_rate "Precipitation rate" means the depth or thickness of the layer formed by precipitation per unit time. Convective precipitation is that produced by the convection schemes in an atmosphere model. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. M CFSN0481 platform_course Standard names for "platform" describe the motion and orientation of the vehicle from which observations are made. Platforms include, but are not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, instruments and buoys. The platform course is the direction in which the platform is travelling (not necessarily the same as the direction in which it is pointing, called platform_orientation). M CFSN0452 precipitation_amount "Amount" means mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. M CFV15A5 lwe_stratiform_precipitation_rate Stratiform precipitation, whether liquid or frozen, is precipitation that formed in stratiform cloud. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. "Precipitation rate" means the depth or thickness of the layer formed by precipitation per unit time. M CFV15A7 lwe_thickness_of_stratiform_precipitation_amount The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. Stratiform precipitation, whether liquid or frozen, is precipitation that formed in stratiform cloud. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. M CFSN0713 convective_precipitation_amount "Amount" means mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. Convective precipitation is that produced by the convection schemes in an atmosphere model. M CFV13N13 number_of_days_with_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_above_threshold The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. A variable whose standard name has the form number_of_days_with_X_below|above_threshold is a count of the number of days on which the condition X_below|above_threshold is satisfied. It must have a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the a standard name of X to supply the threshold(s). It must have a climatological time variable, and a cell_methods entry for within days which describes the processing of quantity X before the threshold is applied. A number_of_days is an extensive quantity in time, and the cell_methods entry for over days should be "sum". M CFV15A15 stratiform_precipitation_flux Stratiform precipitation, whether liquid or frozen, is precipitation that formed in stratiform cloud. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. M CFSN0714 convective_precipitation_flux Convective precipitation is that produced by the convection schemes in an atmosphere model. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. M CFSN0563 lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. Convective precipitation is that produced by the convection schemes in an atmosphere model. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. M CFSN0569 lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount The construction lwe_thickness_of_X_amount or _content means the vertical extent of a layer of liquid water having the same mass per unit area. "Precipitation" in the earth's atmosphere means precipitation of water in all phases. The abbreviation "lwe" means liquid water equivalent. M