CFSN0242 surface_northward_sea_water_velocity The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. A velocity is a vector quantity. "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). M JMOHVLLR sea_water_from_direction The phrase "from_direction" is used in the construction X_from_direction and indicates the direction from which the velocity vector of X is coming. The direction is a bearing in the usual geographical sense, measured positive clockwise from due north. I CFSN0727 direction_of_sea_water_velocity "direction_of_X" means direction of a vector, a bearing. A velocity is a vector quantity. D 9IWLLFXP sea_water_to_direction The phrase "to_direction" is used in the construction X_to_direction and indicates the direction towards which the velocity vector of X is headed. The direction is a bearing in the usual geographical sense, measured positive clockwise from due north. I CFSN0266 surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. A velocity is a vector quantity. "Eastward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed eastward (negative westward). M