
"Water" means water in all phases. Flux correction is also called "flux adjustment". A positive flux correction is downward i.e. added to the ocean. In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics.
  • List containing this term version: CF (83) CF (84) CF (85) CF (86)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Karl Taylor [Standard names: rename water_flux_correc]

  • There are no aliases for this term
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    "Water" means water in all phases. Flux correction is also called "flux adjustment". A positive flux correction is downward i.e. added to the ocean. In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics.
  • List containing this term version: CF (83) CF (84) CF (85) CF (86)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Karl Taylor [Standard names: rename water_flux_correc]