
The construction "moles_of_X_per_unit_mass_in_Y" is also called "molality" of X in Y, where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical species or biological group denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". "Dissolved organic nitrogen" describes the nitrogen held in carbon compounds in solution. These are mostly generated by plankton excretion and decay. The equivalent term in the NERC P01 Parameter Usage Vocabulary may be found at
  • List containing this term version: CF (83) CF (84) CF (85) CF (86)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Fernando Carvalho Pacheco [Standard names: Third Batch - 16 variabl]

  • There are no aliases for this term
    This term is not aliased.