
The cloud condensation nuclei number size distribution is the number concentration of aerosol particles as a function of particle diameter, where the particle acts as condensation nucleus for liquid-phase clouds. A coordinate variable with the standard name of relative_humidity should be specified to indicate that the property refers to a specific supersaturation with respect to liquid water. A coordinate variable with the standard name of electrical_mobility_particle_diameter should be specified to indicate that the property applies at specific mobility particle sizes. To specify the relative humidity at which the particle sizes were selected, provide a scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of relative_humidity_for_aerosol_particle_size_selection. The ability of a particle to act as a condensation nucleus is determined by its size, chemical composition, and morphology. "stp" means standard temperature (0 degC) and pressure (101325 Pa).
  • List containing this term version: CF (81) CF (82) CF (83) CF (84) CF (85) CF (86)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Markus Fiebig [Standard names: particle number size dis]

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