
The temperature at any given depth (or in a layer) below the surface of the ground, excluding surficial snow and ice (but not permafrost or soil). For temperatures in surface lying snow and ice, the more specific standard names temperature_in_surface_snow and land_ice_temperature should be used. For temperatures measured or modelled specifically for the soil layer (the near-surface layer where plants sink their roots) the standard name soil_temperature should be used. It is strongly recommended that a variable with this standard name should have a units_metadata attribute, with one of the values "on-scale" or "difference", whichever is appropriate for the data, because it is essential to know whether the temperature is on-scale (meaning relative to the origin of the scale indicated by the units) or refers to temperature differences (implying that the origin of the temperature scale is irrevelant), in order to convert the units correctly (cf. https://cfconventions.org/cf-conventions/cf-conventions.html#temperature-units).
  • List containing this term version: CF (85) CF (86)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Jonathan Gregory & Lars Barring [Classification of existing standard name]

  • There are no aliases for this term
    This term is alaised by


    The quantity with standard name solid_earth_subsurface_temperature is the temperature at any depth (or in a layer) of the "solid" earth, excluding surficial snow and ice (but not permafrost or soil). For temperatures in surface lying snow and ice, the more specific standard names temperature_in_surface_snow and land_ice_temperature should be used. For temperatures measured or modelled specifically in the soil layer (the near-surface layer where plants sink their roots) the standard name soil_temperature should be used.
  • List containing this term version:
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Nick Brown & Michel Paquette [Standard names: improved permafrost char]
  • temperature_in_ground

    The temperature at any given depth (or in a layer) below the surface of the ground, excluding surficial snow and ice (but not permafrost or soil). For temperatures in surface lying snow and ice, the more specific standard names temperature_in_surface_snow and land_ice_temperature should be used. For temperatures measured or modelled specifically for the soil layer (the near-surface layer where plants sink their roots) the standard name soil_temperature should be used.
  • List containing this term version: CF (78) CF (79) CF (80) CF (81) CF (82) CF (83) CF (84)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Nick Brown & Michel Paquette [Standard names: improved permafrost char]
  • Proposal: Jonathan Gregory & Lars Barring [Classification of existing standard name]
  • temperature_in_ground

    The temperature at any given depth (or in a layer) below the surface of the ground, excluding surficial snow and ice (but not permafrost or soil). For temperatures in surface lying snow and ice, the more specific standard names temperature_in_surface_snow and land_ice_temperature should be used. For temperatures measured or modelled specifically for the soil layer (the near-surface layer where plants sink their roots) the standard name soil_temperature should be used. It is strongly recommended to include a units_metadata attribute.
  • List containing this term version:
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Jonathan Gregory & Lars Barring [Classification of existing standard name]
  • temperature_in_ground

    The temperature at any given depth (or in a layer) below the surface of the ground, excluding surficial snow and ice (but not permafrost or soil). For temperatures in surface lying snow and ice, the more specific standard names temperature_in_surface_snow and land_ice_temperature should be used. For temperatures measured or modelled specifically for the soil layer (the near-surface layer where plants sink their roots) the standard name soil_temperature should be used. In order to convert the units correctly, it is essential to know whether a temperature is on-scale or a difference. Therefore this standard strongly recommends that any variable whose units involve a temperature unit should also have a units_metadata attribute to make the distinction. It is strongly recommended to include the attribute units_metadata.
  • List containing this term version:
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Jonathan Gregory & Lars Barring [Classification of existing standard name]
  • temperature_in_ground

    The temperature at any given depth (or in a layer) below the surface of the ground, excluding surficial snow and ice (but not permafrost or soil). For temperatures in surface lying snow and ice, the more specific standard names temperature_in_surface_snow and land_ice_temperature should be used. For temperatures measured or modelled specifically for the soil layer (the near-surface layer where plants sink their roots) the standard name soil_temperature should be used. It is strongly recommended that a variable with this standard name should have a units_metadata attribute, with one of the values "on-scale" or "difference", whichever is appropriate for the data, because it is essential to know whether the temperature is on-scale (meaning relative to the origin of the scale indicated by the units) or refers to temperature differences (implying that the origin of the temperature scale is irrevelant), in order to convert the units correctly (cf. https://cfconventions.org/cf-conventions/cf-conventions.html#temperature-units).
  • List containing this term version: CF (85) CF (86)
  • Proposls with this term version:
  • Proposal: Jonathan Gregory & Lars Barring [Classification of existing standard name]