projection_x_angular_coordinate rad [URAD]P07 id: QU34OXEG "x" indicates a vector component along the grid x-axis, when this is not true longitude, positive with increasing x. Angular projection coordinates are angular distances in the x- and y-directions on a plane onto which the surface of the Earth has been projected according to a map projection. The relationship between the angular projection coordinates and latitude and longitude is described by the grid_mapping.
projection_y_angular_coordinate rad [URAD]P07 id: 9GAS2Y0C "y" indicates a vector component along the grid y-axis, when this is not true latitude, positive with increasing y. Angular projection coordinates are angular distances in the x- and y-directions on a plane onto which the surface of the Earth has been projected according to a map projection. The relationship between the angular projection coordinates and latitude and longitude is described by the grid_mapping.
downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_reference_mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air W m-2 [UFAA]P07 id: HGD54XDY Downwelling radiation is radiation from above. It does not mean "net downward". The sign convention is that "upwelling" is positive upwards and "downwelling" is positive downwards. The term "longwave" means longwave radiation. When thought of as being incident on a surface, a radiative flux is sometimes called "irradiance". In addition, it is identical with the quantity measured by a cosine-collector light-meter and sometimes called "vector irradiance". In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. A phrase assuming_condition indicates that the named quantity is the value which would obtain if all aspects of the system were unaltered except for the assumption of the circumstances specified by the condition. This 3D ozone field acts as a reference ozone field in a diagnostic call to the model's radiation scheme. It is expressed in terms of mole fraction of ozone in air. It may be observation-based or model-derived. It may be from any time period. By using the same ozone reference in the diagnostic radiation call in two model simulations and calculating differences between the radiative flux diagnostics from the prognostic call to the radiation scheme and the diagnostic call to the radiation scheme with the ozone reference, an instantaneous radiative forcing for ozone can be calculated.
reference_mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air mol mol-1 [MPMX]P07 id: HR5LDNVI This ozone field acts as a reference ozone field in a diagnostic call to the model's radiation scheme. Mole fraction is used in the construction mole_fraction_of_X_in_Y, where X is a material constituent of Y.
tendency_of_atmosphere_mole_concentration_of_molecular_hydrogen_due_to_chemical_destruction mol m-3 s-1 [MM3S]P07 id: RU0W7DC0 "Mole concentration" means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Chemical destruction" means the result of all chemical reactions within the medium (here, atmosphere) that remove a certain amount of a particular species from the medium.
Updated term description
Alison Pamment
Comments: Add missing quotation marks at start of description.
surface_snow_mass kg [KGXX]P07 id: D5YTQY3B Surface snow refers to the amount on the solid ground or on surface ice cover, but excludes, for example, falling snowflakes and snow on plants. The horizontal domain over which surface snow mass is calculated is described by the associated coordinate variables and coordinate bounds or by a coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with the standard name of "region" supplied according to section 6.1.1 of the CF conventions.
Updated term description
Alison Pamment
Comments: Remove superfluous word "amount" from description of surface snow.
tendency_of_atmosphere_mole_concentration_of_molecular_hydrogen_due_to_chemical_destruction mol m-3 s-1 [MM3S]P07 id: RU0W7DC0 Mole concentration means number of moles per unit volume, also called "molarity", and is used in the construction "mole_concentration_of_X_in_Y", where X is a material constituent of Y. A chemical or biological species denoted by X may be described by a single term such as "nitrogen" or a phrase such as "nox_expressed_as_nitrogen". The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Chemical destruction" means the result of all chemical reactions within the medium (here, atmosphere) that remove a certain amount of a particular species from the medium. The chemical formula for molecular hydrogen is H2.
Updated term description
Alison Pamment
Comments: Add stock sentence about H2 to end of description
surface_net_upward_mass_flux_of_methane_due_to_emission_from_freshwater_lakes kg m-2 s-1 [KSP2]P07 id: 2PYOYCP5 The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Upward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed upward (negative downward). In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. The mass is the total mass of the molecules. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. the surface of the earth). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. The chemical formula for methane is CH4.
Updated term description
Alison Pamment
Comments: Remove superfluous "tendency" sentence from description
surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky_and_reference_mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air W m-2 [UFAA]P07 id: C6SUZEZJ The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. Downwelling radiation is radiation from above. It does not mean "net downward". The sign convention is that "upwelling" is positive upwards and "downwelling" is positive downwards. The term "shortwave" means shortwave radiation. When thought of as being incident on a surface, a radiative flux is sometimes called "irradiance". In addition, it is identical with the quantity measured by a cosine-collector light-meter and sometimes called "vector irradiance". In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. A phrase assuming_condition indicates that the named quantity is the value which would obtain if all aspects of the system were unaltered except for the assumption of the circumstances specified by the condition. "Clear sky" means in the absence of clouds. This 3D ozone field acts as a reference ozone field in a diagnostic call to the model's radiation scheme. It is expressed in terms of mole fraction of ozone in air. It may be observation-based or model-derived. It may be from any time period. By using the same ozone reference in the diagnostic radiation call in two model simulations and calculating differences between the radiative flux diagnostics from the prognostic call to the radiation scheme and the diagnostic call to the radiation scheme with the ozone reference, an instantaneous radiative forcing for ozone can be calculated.
Updated term description
Alison Pamment
Comments: Update description to explain "shortwave" instead of "longwave".