
Created: Oct. 29, 2020
Proposer: Nan Galbraith
Proposed Date: 2020-10-09
Change Date: Oct. 29, 2020, 12:11 p.m.
Term: northward_wind_relative_to_surface_current
Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
Change Date: Oct. 29, 2020, 12:13 p.m.
Term: northward_wind_relative_to_surface_current
Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
northward_wind_relative_to_surface_currents is the difference between the northward_wind and the northward_sea_water_velocity (northward_wind_relative_to_surface_current = northward_wind - northward_sea_water_velocity). "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name "upward_air_velocity").
Change Date: Oct. 29, 2020, 4:37 p.m.
Term: difference_between_northward_wind_and_northward_sea_water_velocity
Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
northward_wind_relative_to_surface_currents is the difference between the northward_wind and the northward_sea_water_velocity (northward_wind_relative_to_surface_current = northward_wind - northward_sea_water_velocity). "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name "upward_air_velocity").
Change Date: Oct. 30, 2020, 2:15 a.m.
Term: difference_between_northward_wind_and_northward_sea_water_velocity
Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
The quantity with standard name difference_between_northward_wind_and_northward_sea_water_velocity is the difference between those with standard names northward_wind and northward_sea_water_velocity. A vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with standard name "depth" should be used to indicate the depth of sea water velocity used in the calculation. Similarly, a vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with standard name "height" should be used to indicate the height of the the wind component. "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name "upward_air_velocity").
Change Date: Oct. 30, 2020, 2:22 a.m.
Term: difference_between_northward_wind_and_northward_sea_water_velocity
Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
The northward_wind, relative to the near-surface northward current; calculated as northward_wind minus northward_sea_water_velocity. A vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with standard name "depth" should be used to indicate the depth of sea water velocity used in the calculation. Similarly, a vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with standard name "height" should be used to indicate the height of the the wind component. "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name "upward_air_velocity").
Change Date: Jan. 7, 2021, 12:54 p.m.
Term: northward_air_velocity_relative_to_sea_water
Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
The northward_wind, relative to the near-surface northward current; calculated as northward_wind minus northward_sea_water_velocity. A vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with standard name "depth" should be used to indicate the depth of sea water velocity used in the calculation. Similarly, a vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate variable with standard name "height" should be used to indicate the height of the the wind component. "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name "upward_air_velocity").
Change Date: Jan. 7, 2021, 12:55 p.m.
Term: northward_air_velocity_relative_to_sea_water
Unit: m s-1
Unit ref: UVAA
The northward motion of air, relative to near-surface northward current; calculated as northward_wind minus northward_sea_water_velocity. A vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate with standard name "depth" should be used to indicate the depth of sea water velocity used in the calculation. Similarly, a vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate with standard name "height" should be used to indicate the height of the the wind component. A velocity is a vector quantity. "Northward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward).