
Created: March 20, 2016
Proposer: Jonathan Gregory / Stephen Griffies
Proposed Date: 2015-01-30
Change Date: March 20, 2016, 7:04 p.m.
Term: integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature
Unit: kg Celsius m-2
Unit ref:
Product of grid cell thickness with density and conservative temperature, summed over the depth of the ocean column. For Boussinesq models, density is constant Boussinesq reference density (reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation).
Change Date: May 17, 2017, 1:40 p.m.
Term: integral_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature_wrt_depth
Unit: kg K m-2
Unit ref:
Product of grid cell thickness with density and conservative temperature, summed over the depth of the ocean column. For Boussinesq models, density is constant Boussinesq reference density (reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation).
Change Date: May 17, 2017, 1:43 p.m.
Term: integral_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature_wrt_depth
Unit: kg K m-2
Unit ref:
The phrase "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y dX. The data variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. The phrase "wrt" means "with respect to". Depth is the vertical distance below the surface. Sea water density is the in-situ density (not the potential density). [For Boussinesq models, density is constant Boussinesq reference density (reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation).]
Change Date: May 17, 2017, 1:49 p.m.
Term: integral_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature_wrt_depth
Unit: kg K m-2
Unit ref:
The phrase "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y dX. The data variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. The phrase "wrt" means "with respect to". Depth is the vertical distance below the surface. Sea water density is the in-situ density (not the potential density). [For Boussinesq models, density is constant Boussinesq reference density (reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation).] Conservative Temperature is defined as part of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) which was adopted in 2010 by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Conservative Temperature is specific potential enthalpy (which has the standard name sea_water_specific_potential_enthalpy) divided by a fixed value of the specific heat capacity of sea water, namely cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 J kg-1 K-1. Conservative Temperature is a more accurate measure of the "heat content" of sea water, by a factor of one hundred, than is potential temperature. Because of this, it can be regarded as being proportional to the heat content of sea water per unit mass. Reference:; McDougall, 2003 doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<0945:PEACOV>2.0.CO;2.
Change Date: May 17, 2017, 1:50 p.m.
Term: integral_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature_wrt_depth
Unit: kg K m-2
Unit ref:
The phrase "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y dX. The data variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. The phrase "wrt" means "with respect to". Depth is the vertical distance below the surface. Sea water density is the in-situ density (not the potential density). [For Boussinesq models, density is constant Boussinesq reference density (reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation).] Conservative Temperature is defined as part of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) which was adopted in 2010 by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Conservative Temperature is specific potential enthalpy (which has the standard name sea_water_specific_potential_enthalpy) divided by a fixed value of the specific heat capacity of sea water, namely cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 J kg-1 K-1. Conservative Temperature is a more accurate measure of the "heat content" of sea water, by a factor of one hundred, than is potential temperature. Because of this, it can be regarded as being proportional to the heat content of sea water per unit mass. Reference:; McDougall, 2003 doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<0945:PEACOV>2.0.CO;2.
Change Date: June 22, 2017, 9:05 a.m.
Term: integral_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature_wrt_depth
Unit: kg degree_C m-2
Unit ref: DKM2
The phrase "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y dX. The data variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. The phrase "wrt" means "with respect to". Depth is the vertical distance below the surface. Sea water density is the in-situ density (not the potential density). [For Boussinesq models, density is constant Boussinesq reference density (reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation).] Conservative Temperature is defined as part of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) which was adopted in 2010 by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Conservative Temperature is specific potential enthalpy (which has the standard name sea_water_specific_potential_enthalpy) divided by a fixed value of the specific heat capacity of sea water, namely cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 J kg-1 K-1. Conservative Temperature is a more accurate measure of the "heat content" of sea water, by a factor of one hundred, than is potential temperature. Because of this, it can be regarded as being proportional to the heat content of sea water per unit mass. Reference:; McDougall, 2003 doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<0945:PEACOV>2.0.CO;2.
Change Date: Sept. 28, 2017, 11:47 a.m.
Term: integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature
Unit: kg degree_C m-2
Unit ref: DKM2
The phrase "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y dX. The data variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. The phrase "wrt" means "with respect to". Depth is the vertical distance below the surface. Sea water density is the in-situ density (not the potential density). [For Boussinesq models, density is constant Boussinesq reference density (reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation).] Conservative Temperature is defined as part of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) which was adopted in 2010 by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Conservative Temperature is specific potential enthalpy (which has the standard name sea_water_specific_potential_enthalpy) divided by a fixed value of the specific heat capacity of sea water, namely cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 J kg-1 K-1. Conservative Temperature is a more accurate measure of the "heat content" of sea water, by a factor of one hundred, than is potential temperature. Because of this, it can be regarded as being proportional to the heat content of sea water per unit mass. Reference:; McDougall, 2003 doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<0945:PEACOV>2.0.CO;2.
Change Date: Sept. 28, 2017, 11:51 a.m.
Term: integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature
Unit: kg degree_C m-2
Unit ref: DKM2
The phrase "integral_of_Y_wrt_X" means int Y dX. The data variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. The phrase "wrt" means "with respect to". Depth is the vertical distance below the surface. The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. Sea water density is the in-situ density (not the potential density). For Boussinesq models, density is the constant Boussinesq reference density, a quantity which has the standard name reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation). Conservative Temperature is defined as part of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) which was adopted in 2010 by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Conservative Temperature is specific potential enthalpy (which has the standard name sea_water_specific_potential_enthalpy) divided by a fixed value of the specific heat capacity of sea water, namely cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 J kg-1 K-1. Conservative Temperature is a more accurate measure of the "heat content" of sea water, by a factor of one hundred, than is potential temperature. Because of this, it can be regarded as being proportional to the heat content of sea water per unit mass. Reference:; McDougall, 2003 doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<0945:PEACOV>2.0.CO;2.
Change Date: Sept. 28, 2017, 11:59 a.m.
Term: integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature
Unit: kg degree_C m-2
Unit ref: DKM2
The phrase "integral_wrt_X_of_Y" means int Y dX. The data variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. The phrase "wrt" means "with respect to". Depth is the vertical distance below the surface. The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. Sea water density is the in-situ density (not the potential density). For Boussinesq models, density is the constant Boussinesq reference density, a quantity which has the standard name reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation). Conservative Temperature is defined as part of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) which was adopted in 2010 by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Conservative Temperature is specific potential enthalpy (which has the standard name sea_water_specific_potential_enthalpy) divided by a fixed value of the specific heat capacity of sea water, namely cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 J kg-1 K-1. Conservative Temperature is a more accurate measure of the "heat content" of sea water, by a factor of one hundred, than is potential temperature. Because of this, it can be regarded as being proportional to the heat content of sea water per unit mass. Reference:; McDougall, 2003 doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<0945:PEACOV>2.0.CO;2.
Change Date: Sept. 28, 2017, noon
Term: integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature
Unit: kg degree_C m-2
Unit ref: DKM2
The phrase "integral_wrt_X_of_Y" means int Y dX. The data variable should have an axis for X specifying the limits of the integral as bounds. The phrase "wrt" means "with respect to". Depth is the vertical distance below the surface. The phrase "product_of_X_and_Y" means X*Y. Sea water density is the in-situ density (not the potential density). For Boussinesq models, density is the constant Boussinesq reference density, a quantity which has the standard name reference_sea_water_density_for_boussinesq_approximation. Conservative Temperature is defined as part of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) which was adopted in 2010 by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Conservative Temperature is specific potential enthalpy (which has the standard name sea_water_specific_potential_enthalpy) divided by a fixed value of the specific heat capacity of sea water, namely cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 J kg-1 K-1. Conservative Temperature is a more accurate measure of the "heat content" of sea water, by a factor of one hundred, than is potential temperature. Because of this, it can be regarded as being proportional to the heat content of sea water per unit mass. Reference:; McDougall, 2003 doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<0945:PEACOV>2.0.CO;2.